The End; Theories of The Traitor

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So, now that this story is over I'm going to take the time to walk you through some of my overall thoughts on the traitor. It was stated fairly early on in the story by Skuld that there were five suspects, each of which held the life of many in their hands. This is partly true for me, but unlike Skuld, I don't have five suspects. I have seven.

You might be questioning me there. Seven suspects?! But there are only five foretellers! Well, to be honest, it's possible that none of the foretellers are the traitor. It's possible that Luxu is the traitor. It's even possible the Master of Masters is the traitor.

But even with only seven suspects, I have ten theories. That's right, ten. So without further ado, here are my theories on the traitor. Fair warning, spoilers lie ahead, if you haven't watched the movie or played the game. I don't think that's an issue if you've read the story, but just in case.

Theory #1- Ira
My first theory is probably the weakest one. Blaming Ira is just to prove I have no clue. For the most part, Ira follows through on his role. He acts as the leader. He guides the others to the best of his ability. The biggest thing that could point to him being the traitor is he started the whole panic. The lost page clearly states the traitor doesn't know they are the traitor. They thought they were acting the right way. Ira thought he was doing the right thing informing the others of the traitor, but technically it wasn't his role to handle the traitor, it was Gula's. So by starting the panic that spread the distrust amongst the foretellers, Ira could be held responsible for starting the war.

Theory #2- Aced
So, Aced is another one that I don't have much to go on. I used to hold Aced as my number one suspect, but that was really just because I didn't personally like him. He was the one Union master I found unnerving. However, there is a small bit of evidence. His act of trying to up spur Ira. He thought he was in the right, but all the others didn't. He also suggested the alliance which was against the Master's teachings. These actions could have been enough to cause the unrest in the Unions that led to the keyblade war. But really, he's not likely.

Theory #3- Invi
This is another weak theory. But it's still a small chance. Invi had her responsibility to watch over the others. With that, she did a great job. However, she did report everything to Ira, which I'm pretty sure the Master of Masters did not intend for. She did what she thought was right and told the leader what was going on. This did result in distrust though. It led to secrecy in the Unions. That secrecy could have ultimately led to the keyblade war.

Theory #4- Gula
Gula is actually my favorite foreteller. It kills me to say that this is probably one of the more convincing theories. To start, Gula did have the lost page. It was thought that whoever held the lost page was the traitor. It was later revealed that the Master of Masters gave Gula that page so we're a little less convinced based on that alone. But there's more. Gula directly disobeyed the Master of Masters and tried to summon Kingdom Hearts. In the end, he's really the only one to turn away from his role. And Gula himself said that whoever deviated from their role was likely the traitor.

Theory #5- Ava
Ava is a great character. My second favorite amongst the foretellers and she is my Union master. However, she's another convincing suspect. This theory relies more heavily on the mobile game then the movie. Ava doesn't appear to deviate from her role, but in the game, she is shown talking to Luxu about the traitor. Of course, we don't get to hear most of their conversation, but Luxu tells her the truth about the traitor. In response to that she outright attacks Luxu. At the same time, the player hears from Gula exactly what's written on the lost page. And it says something about a final strike and a bell tolling signaling the start of the war. As Ava attacks Luxu a bell tolls and Gula declares the war has begun. Makes that a little hard to fight.

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