Chapter XVIII; No Time Left

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Annora sat down on the fountain beside Skuld with a heavy sigh. The two hadn't seen very much of each other recently, with Skuld and the Dandelions preparing for the war that was growing ever closer. Annora was still managing the party, for the most part, taking care of the ones who weren't going to fly away from the battle. It scared her how tired they already were.

"So, how are things going with the Dandelions?" Annora asked, looking at her dark-haired friend. Sitting side by side it was clear how different the two were. Annora with her pure white hair and crystal blue eyes. And Skuld with her ink black hair and brown eyes. They were practically opposites, like light and dark. But they were still best friends.

"Not well, everyone's getting anxious," Skuld admitted, looking to Annora with a sad smile. She looked away, up to the sky where a few clouds were gathering overhead. "And it's only worse since Master Ava hasn't been around." She added wistfully. Annora looked at Skuld in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asked. Beside Annora, her Chirithy appeared in a puff of smoke. Annora was certain the little dream eater was ever present, just remained hidden most of the time.

"Master Ava's been missing for the past few days." Chirithy said for Skukd. Annora frowned, quickly glancing at the Chirithy then back to Skuld.

"Does anyone know where she went?" Annora asked. Of she assumed Kamiko would know. The strawberry blonde was Ava's constant companion for the most part. The only one the master seemed to trust anymore. And maybe rightly so.

"Kamiko won't say if she does. Just insist Ava is fine." Skuld answered, a worried frown crossing her face. She didn't seem convinced by the reassurance.

"Maybe Master Gula knows something. The two of them are friends after all." Chirithy suggested. Annora nodded and stood up. She offered her hand out to Skuld, who looked at it in surprise.

"Let's go ask." Annora said. Skuld smiled and nodded, taking Annora's hand and allowing herself to be pulled to her feet.

Chirithy led the way to where Master Gula was supposedly hiding. Annora didn't know how the dream eater knew that, but she wasn't going to question it. It was strange the dream eater was willing to help them. It usually did anything in its power to keep them away from foretellers.

Master Gula was rumored to be hiding in an abandoned warehouse in the Leopardus district. Annora thought that was the last place they would find a master, but she supposed that's what Master Gula was hoping for. He probably didn't want to be bothered. The warehouse was dark and unwelcoming. It didn't seem like anyone was in there, nor had been for a very long time. Looking around Annora caught sight of Jax looking down at them from the loft above. She smiled softly at him, and to her surprise, the purple-haired boy returned the smile. Him being here was all the confirmation she needed to know Master Gula was close by.

"It's quiet." Skuld said, not noticing their friend in the loft. Annora glanced at her. It was oddly quiet in there, even with their presence.

"Do you have business with me?" A calm voice asked. Skuld and Annora both jumped at the sound of the new voice. They turned to see Master Gula walking towards them calmly, given away only by his leopard mask and attire that matched the other Masters. He sat down on a table in the center of the room and kicked his feet in a childish manner. Like Master Ava, he was clearly young, the same age as them perhaps. Annora had never seen Master Gula before, and his small stature surprised her. She had expected someone like Ira or Aced.

"Master Gula." Chirithy said, its voice shaking softly. The master looked at Chirithy calmly before turning his gaze up to Annora and Skuld. Annora was shocked by how calm the master seemed to be.

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