Chapter XVI; Unions Crossed

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The Foretellers gathered in the room filled with gears. Ira stood away from the table, his hands behind his back as he paced back and forth. He seemed nervous, thinking of something. Invi sat calmly closest to him, her hands neatly folded in her lap. She stared at the table in silence, lost in her own thoughts. Gula was sitting on the table like he usually would, kicking his feet back and forth childishly. He too was lost in his thoughts, looking towards the door. Ava sat beside him, with her hands in her lap. She stared at her hands, waiting for someone in the room to speak. Aced was standing by the table with his arms crossed watching Ira pace.

"I know at this point it's a hopeless effort to find the traitor. Though we all have our own suspicions, we are unable to confirm them." Ira said suddenly approaching the table. The other foretellers looked towards him. Gula frowned.

"So why waste our time by calling us here. Are you hoping someone will just step forward?" Gula asked, annoyance in his voice. He had better things to be doing right now. Plans to make true on.

"I have an idea, that might be our last hope," Ira replied calmly. He looked towards Gula with distrust. He was convinced Gula was the cause of all of this.

"What is it then?" Aced asked from where he stood.

"The old story, where light and dark took human form. If they truly exist and they are keyblade wielders, whichever Union holds darkness is likely the traitor." Ira explained. Each Foreteller considered this, gradually nodding in agreement.

"I never thought of that, but it stands to reason." Gula said softly, still thinking. He had spent so long looking at the other foretellers, he never thought of something so simple.

"It's likely darkness them self is the traitor, and none of us know about it." Invi said looking around at the other Foretellers. Aced and Gula nodded in agreement. Ava frowned looking up at Ira.

"But, how are we even supposed to find darkness?" Ava asked. Ira frowned looking away. He hadn't really thought of that. There was no way to guarantee they could find darkness. Not in time to stop the war.

"We just need to find him quickly. If we can find him before the war-" Aced said before Ira could reply.

"The entire thing might be avoidable." Gula finished. "We should get started right away." He said. The other Foretellers nodded in agreement.

"Before you all go, there's another matter we should discuss," Ira said, gaining the attention of his comrades once again. "The cross-union party." Ira said. Ava frowned glancing around at the others.

"What of it?" Invi asked.

"I do not think it wise. I'd like permission to shut it down." Ira said simply.

"You're our leader Ira, you don't need our permission," Aced said quickly, showing he had no opposition to the idea. He didn't like the idea himself.

"On the other hand. All of us have a union member involved." Gula said in reply to Aced. He turned his attention to Ira. "I'm not against it." He said calmly.

"Nor am I, it's just them trying to slow the war. None of them mean any harm." Ava said, agreeing with Gula. She looked to Invi, who she knew had her lieutenant in the party.

"I agree, they aren't fighting for darkness, that's for sure." Invi agreed calmly, not looking at Ava. Aced scoffed at them.

"You all only say that because your lieutenants are involved." Aced accused. Gula gave a heavy sigh, not bothering to look at Aced.

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