Chapter X; One Step Forward

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Jax sighed heavily as he entered the warehouse that Gula tended to use as his base of operations. Jax didn't know if the other Foretellers had a similar setup or not, but he doubted any of them operated out of the Foretellers tower. Except perhaps Master Ira.

Jax had spent most of the day trying to find any information he could on the other union masters, but he had found nothing. The other masters seemed almost like they were in hiding. No one had heard anything from them in weeks. Even the lieutenants didn't seem to have anything new.

The rumors of traitors were flying around faster than ever though. It seemed Jax heard a new theory every day, from the Master of Masters being the traitor to every single wielder in Daybreak Town, to it all being made up. He wasn't sure which one was his favorite.

As Jax went to the back of the warehouse he heard a voice that suggested Gula was talking to someone else. Jax paused outside of the door, listening carefully. The voices were soft and not near audible. Jax could only theorize who it was. But he had a good guess.

The voices stopped suddenly, and there was the sound of a portal the foretellers used when traveling. Jax shook his head opening the door and entering the room. Gula sat on the desk with a frown.

"Was that Master Invi again?" Jax asked as he closed the door behind him. Gula looked up at Jax, his mouth turning up at one corner.

"Uh-huh. She keeps trying to convince me the alliance with Aced is a bad idea." Gula answered, leaning back on the desk. Jax frowned as he closed the door behind him. He agreed with Invi, but Gula seemed convinced the idea would help. Jax didn't want to discourage him. "You agree with her, don't you?" Gula asked, easily reading Jax's silence. Jax looked up at him in surprise. Gula was watching Jax with a thoughtful frown. Jax sighed and looked away.

"Has anything really come to light since you formed the alliance?" Jax asked quietly, rather than answer directly. Gula's frown deepened. Jax could assume he was thinking, trying to find any new information Master Aced had brought to light.

"No, I guess you're right. I have no evidence of Aced being the traitor or otherwise. We've found nothing." Gula admitted leaning forward. He rested his arms on his knees, one hand supporting his chin.

"Then maybe it's time to call in quits," Jax said. He leaned back against the door and crossed his arms. Gula nodded, not really listening.

"Maybe." Gula agreed. Silence filled the room. Neither of the two were ever the most vocal, silence was normal between them. But this silence was heavy, and not at all the comfortable silence they usually shared. "What about you? Have you found anything promising?" Gula asked, directing his attention to Jax. Jax shook his head.

"No, I thought finding the Master would solve things, but that's much harder than it seems," Jax explained. Gula looked down, still frowning. Everything they were trying seemed to turn into a dead end.

"Oh. And you have nothing else?" Gula asked. He looked up at Jax hopefully. They were running out of options quickly. Almost too quickly. It seemed like there was nothing they could do. Whoever this traitor was was going to succeed.

"Nothing but questions," Jax replied. Gula titled his head to the side, curiosity spreading across his face.

"Like?" Gula asked.

"Do you actually know all the others roles? Did the Master tell you?" Jax asked. Gula frowned sitting up again. His frown had returned once again.

"Well, no. We only really know Ira and Invi's. But why should that matter?" Gula asked. Jax sighed heavily. Gula was usually one of the smartest people Jax knew. But other times his mind thought too far ahead and skipped over very important details. It appeared in his haste to find the traitor he had forgotten a key detail.

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