Chapter XIX; The End Of It All

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Annora sat up on a cliff looking out over the desolate land. It was quiet, but it wouldn't be for long. She could already see one of the unions on the horizon. Tears rolled down her cheek as she watched them grow closer. Soon she saw three other unions arrive.

"There's a moment that changes a life when we do something that no one else can." Luxu said as he approached Annora. She glanced over her shoulder at him with a frown. His shoulders were tense, and from the sound of his voice, he was crying too.

"And the path that we've taken," Annora said looking out over the land as the unions met with a crossroads in between. "Will lead us to one final stand." She finished. Luxu nodded solemnly.

"One final stand." He agreed.


The wind blew across the empty wasteland, picking up dust as it went. Takiko stood in front of his union, watching the land that would soon become a battleground. In the distance, he saw the beginnings of other unions. It was hard to tell, but they all seemed to be heading toward the same place.

"Takiko, what's it look like?" Invi asked. She came up beside Takiko and followed his gaze. He looked at her calmly before turning to look back at the other unions. Ava's union was nowhere in sight.

"Vulpes is running late. But it looks like its going to get ugly really fast." Takiko answered. Invi nodded grimly. "What should I tell the rest?" He asked.

"Be ready, this is the end," Invi replied, her voice quiet. Takiko nodded turning back to the union that gathered behind him. He looked at the familiar faces of his union. His family. It was a sad day to see it all coming to an end.

Rain began to fall as the battle began. It was almost humorous to Takiko. Stereotypical weather for a great battle. It only enhanced the grim mood that spread over the unions. Soon the sound of keyblades clashing overpowered the sound of rain falling.

Takiko couldn't tell who was friend or foe before long. Many of the wielders had donned armor, making it impossible to see their faces. Takiko was amongst them. He fought without regard to who he was against. He didn't have the time for that. He struggled to remain close to Invi. But she was soon lost in the fray. Takiko didn't know if he would ever find her again.

Takiko wove through the battle, causing damage where ever he went. He didn't know how many fell beneath his blade. He saw death all around him. Haku was kneeled on the ground, holding the body that could only belong to his brother. Kirai was pulling on his shoulder, urging him to his feet. He was amazed at the blue haired girl's concern. Even now it was only for her friends, union be damned.

Zia was not far away, fighting against Espen of Ursus. The girl's short dark hair was coated in blood. She had a cut just above her right eye. As Takiko blew past, swinging opponents out of the way, he saw Zia fall to the lieutenant. But as the lieutenant stood in victory he was caught off guard by Jax. Takiko could feel the power that seeped off the purple haired boy. It was unlike anything he had ever seen. Espen was soon to fall to that power. He saw Master Aced taking on Adianna. It was no secret who would win that altercation.

Takiko regretted being momentarily distracted when a force collided into him. He rolled across the ground before scrambling to his feet. He stood face to face with another wielder. He couldn't tell their identity, but they were female. Their armor was gold with silver accents. It starkly contrasted Takiko's own black and purple armor.

Takiko didn't think, he just fought. There was no time for thinking, he just had to be sure everyone he loved was safe. Invi, Kamiko, all of his friends. They couldn't be allowed to die. They couldn't. Whatever happened to him was fine, but not them. They could break his soul, take his life away, beat him, hurt him, kill him. But for the love of God. No one could touch them.

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