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I could stay awake just to hear you breathing. Watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you are far away and dreaming. I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost in this moment forever. Where a moment spent with you is a moment I treasure - Aerosmith

Draco woke feeling stiff, sore, sweaty and trapped. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down to see that Harry was sprawled on top of him, his head resting on his chest, both arms wrapped tightly around him and his legs entwined with his own. It was clear now, the reason he couldn't move.

He closed his eyes, knowing that Harry needed the sleep and somewhat enjoying the restrictive feeling of being completely surrounded by Harry Potter. He wondered why his lover was clinging to him so tightly, perhaps he'd had another nightmare, or in his sleep he was afraid Draco would try to get up, to leave him. Harry needn't worry about that, Draco had already decided that he wasn't going anywhere. As long as Harry wanted him, he would stay by his side. He had big plans for their future, and not just the political kind.

Yes, he wanted to change the world as they knew it, but he had his own personal agenda as well. With no betrothal hanging over his head, the threat of Voldemort all but extinguished, and his father in prison, he was free to do as he pleased for possibly the first time in his life. He had his entire future ahead of him and he planned to spend it with Harry Potter. He wanted Harry more than anyone he'd ever known, and not Harry Potter boy-hero, no, he wanted the young man who was currently sleeping wrapped around him. The young man with the brilliant smile, the blushing cheeks, the insecurities and fears of inadequacy. It was the innocence of the boy that called to him on a personal level. Yes the power of the man was intoxicating and appealed to him greatly, but that was on a whole other level. Potter's power and thirst for revenge got him hot, he would admit that whole heartedly, but it was his soft heart and the way he smiled so shyly at times that made Draco care for him. Possibly even love him.

"Do I love you?" Draco whispered as he looked at the sleeping face of his lover. "Have I fallen that far so soon? I think I may have, Harry, and it scares me to death. I'm a Malfoy after all. Love is a weakness to be avoided at all costs - at least, that was what my father taught me. Then again, he always said you were a weak-minded fool and the Dark Lord would kill you." Draco chuckled softly, "I wonder what he'd say if he knew we were here together? Would he disown me for loving you, or would he realize he had chosen wrongly, that Voldemort was not the power he claimed to be? Would he be proud of me for allying myself with such a strong wizard or would he see through that ruse and know what I know; that I love you for the man you are, and not the power you hold. That's right, Harry. I figured it out, I do love you."

With a soft smile, Draco brushed his lips across Harry's forehead and petted his hair softly as he closed his eyes and just enjoyed holding Harry as he slept.


Slipping quietly from her room, Ginny Weasley made her way up to the owlery. It was very early, far too early for any of the students to be awake and perhaps even too early for the staff. But Ginny was on a mission, a mission to get Draco Malfoy out of Harry's life and leave the path clear for them to be together. She would be Mrs. Ginevra Potter, no matter what it took.

When she got to the owlery, she slid the note from her pocket and smiled to herself. It was perfect. She would send it to Mrs. Malfoy anonymously, filling her in on her son's relationship with Harry and let her deal with it as she saw fit. No doubt Draco would be threatened with being disowned, and Ginny knew that given the choice between the Malfoy millions and Harry Potter, Draco would take the money.

Harry would be hurt, possibly heartbroken over it, and that's when Ginny would step in to offer him comfort. A shoulder to cry on, a sympathetic ear to listen. And if, during this time, she managed to get Harry into bed - and take the fertility potion - she just knew that Harry would do right by her. It was almost too easy.

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