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This is the end. Beautiful friend. This is the end. My only friend, the end - The Doors

It had been exactly one month since the rather anti-climactic defeat of Voldemort. The wizard-world in general had gone back to it's normal existence, almost as if there had never been a threat in the first place. Harry's fears of fame had been put to rest as there was no mention of a "Harry Potter Day" or other such rot.

Lucius Malfoy was currently undergoing intensive therapy at St. Mungo's for his extended exposure to the Imperius. Narcissa was scheduled to receive the Dementor's kiss the very next day, and Harry and Draco had taken up residence in Draco's childhood home; Malfoy Manor.

The entire contents of Slytherin's Study had been emptied and moved into the Manor with Harry and Draco. Harry didn't trust that someone else wouldn't stumble upon the room at some point so he'd taken everything with him.

Plans had been made to remodel the wizard world over the next ten years, slowly, so as not to arouse suspicion. There would be changes to the educational system - muggle-born children would have to be brought up to speed before being integrated into classes with the children born to wizard families. Any muggle-born wanting to return to the muggle world after Hogwarts would be Obliviated and have their magic suppressed as a safety measure. Draco had a lot of ideas on how to improve their society and Harry was more than willing to listen to them.

Pansy and Neville had sent them an invitation to their wedding, it was planned for later that summer. Neville had asked Harry to be his best man. Harry had teasingly suggested to Draco that he'd make a lovely bridesmaid. He had been tackled and then tickled until his sides hurt for it.

Life, as far as Harry was concerned, was grand. Well, other than the fact that he'd not spoken to Ron or Hermione since the day after Voldemort was killed.

To say that things with Ron and Hermione had changed would be an understatement. They just couldn't understand Harry anymore, he had changed from the boy they once knew, and he was fine with it. They weren't. He wondered sometimes, how either of them would have coped had they been forced to endure the things he had. He doubted they would have survived at all, let alone done so as well as he had. Then again, he had Draco to get him through the worst of it.

Draco had been there for him every step of the way since that first night after the Quidditch game. He'd held him through his tears, talked him through his fears, offered opinions and advice on everything from revenge to politics to fashion and never once complained about Harry's reluctance to cross that last barrier between them; allowing Draco to take him.

He was still amazed at the patience and depth of feeling the other man had for him. He never would have associated Draco Malfoy with understanding the concept of love, let alone feeling it for another human being.

The days that followed the end of the war-that-never-really-started, saw Harry and Draco tying up loose ends on many different fronts. Greg Goyle had been restored to his former masculinity; a thing which pleased him greatly. Vincent Crabbe had turned up at the gates of the School - having been dropped off by the Knight Bus - and begged Dumbledore for asylum. He'd told him everything he knew about the Death Eaters, his father, the other Slytherin initiates, and his torture at his father's hands. Of course he refused to say why his father had tortured him. The fact that all of the Death Eaters had already been reprehended by the Aurors made Vince's confession basically useless though.

If it weren't for the fact that Vince had helped Draco fight off his attackers in Hogsmeade, Harry would have... convinced... the authorities to put Crabbe away in Azkaban as well. He was still considering it, truth be told.

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