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I put a spell on you Because you're mine. You better stop the things that you're doin'. I said Watch out! I ain't lyin' - CCR

What little self-control Narcissa still possessed was put to the test as she listened to her son, her only child, confess his love for Harry Potter. There was still a small chance that he was acting under the influence of a potion or a spell, and until that possibility was ruled out, she would not harm him further.

"You had better hope, for your sake, Draco, that you are under the Imperius Curse or the effects of a love potion. Otherwise, you won't like the consequences for your betrayal." Narcissa summoned a house-elf and then turned back to her son. "I shall contact my Lord now. He will be most interested in seeing you, I think."

Turning to the small cowering house-elf, she addressed it with disdain. "Watch him. If he makes any suspicious moves, incapacitate him and alert me at once."

Draco could only watch in wide eyed fear as his mother left to summon the Dark Lord. "Oh Harry," he whispered softly, "if by some miracle you can hear me, please hurry."


Harry struggled to his feet after consuming the restorative potions. He knew that he should be taking it easy for the next few minutes, but he couldn't. He could feel Draco's panic and knew that he had to move, now. He wasn't sure how it was that he could hear Draco, but he wasn't looking a gift horse in the mouth. On shaky legs, he began his journey away from the dungeons and up to the main part of the school.


On her way back to Hogwarts, Ginny saw Ron and Hermione up ahead of her. They were obviously heading into town and she quickened her pace to intercept them. "Hey guys," she called out cheerfully, "where's Harry?"

Ron fidgeted nervously and Hermione actually blushed a deep red. Ginny blinked in shock and tilted her head in question. "Hello? Anyone going to answer me?"

"Er," Ron began, and then mumbled something under his breath which sounded suspiciously like "probably off shagging Malfoy".

"Um," Hermione started to say, then looked at her shoes.

Ginny sighed and rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, you guys ditched him so that you could spend the day alone, right? No worries, I'm just heading back to school, so I'll find him and keep him company. Later!"

Leaving her brother and his girlfriend behind, Ginny continued on toward Hogwarts, a huge grin on her face.


The little elf stood silent and shaking in the corner, it's huge bulbous eyes never leaving Draco's form. Draco sighed and wished that he had been nicer to the creatures as a child. Perhaps if he had been, he could bribe the thing with its freedom in exchange for his own.

"What would Harry do?" Draco asked himself and then snorted. "Harry wouldn't be in this position, dummy, he'd have defeated the blasted Death Eaters and not been captured."

"Is sir speaking of Harry Potter?" the little elf squeaked and took a small step forward.

Draco whipped his head to look at the small creature. "Yes. Yes I was. Do you know Harry?" he asked, his hopes of escape coming back.

The little elf shook it's head. "Oh, no sir! Nipsy is only hearing of the great Harry Potter, sir. Dobby is going to save Harry Potter, sir, but Dobby is never coming back!"

Draco sighed in relief. He just might get out of this alive after all. "Dobby works at Hogwarts now. Harry Potter saved Dobby, tricked Master Lucius into freeing Dobby. I know this because Harry Potter is my friend, he's my... well, mate, I suppose would be the easiest way to describe it. Do you understand?"

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