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I'm a model you know what I mean, And I do my little turn on the catwalk. Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah, I do my little turn on the catwalk - Right Said Fred

When Draco woke the next day he yawned, stretched, opened his eyes and screamed. "Bloody hell! You scared me half to death!" Draco sat up in bed and glared at the amused professor standing over him. "Do you always hover over people while they're sleeping? Merlin, it's no wonder you don't have a lot of use for this room."

The amusement faded somewhat from Snape's face and he pursed his lips. "It would do you well, to remember just whom you are speaking to, Draco. Now, get up, get dressed, and leave my quarters. I will see to your personal problems after breakfast. I need to check up on Potter."

Draco watched as Snape spun on his heel and strode from the room. "I really need to learn how to do that," he muttered to himself. "It looks so... intimidating. Kinda sexy too."


Snape glared at the fat lady when she refused him entrance and took a menacing step closer to the portrait. "Look here, you fashion impaired, overbearing, overweight, uptight excuse for a lady! If you do not allow me entrance, I will make what Black did to you a few years back look like a paper cut in comparison to what I will do to you now!"

Needless to say, the fat lady 'eeped' and allowed him to enter. Snape rolled his eyes and stepped through the portrait hole. "This is exactly why Slytherin does not have a portrait; they're too easily intimidated," he muttered to himself.

Wrinkling his nose in distaste, Snape peered around the garishly decorated common room. He honestly didn't know what Godric had been thinking choosing these colours for his house; they were so loud and boorish. Then again, he thought to himself, they did rather suit the personality of the Gryffindors.

Snape strode across the room and made his way up the stairs to the seventh-year boys' dorm and opened the door. He peered into the room seeing five beds, all with their curtains drawn closed. Not knowing which bed was Potter's, he made his way around the room, peeking in each one. Longbottom, Finnegan, Thomas, an empty bed, and then finally, Weasley.

"So, Potter didn't sleep here last night," Snape spoke softly as he tried to think of just where the boy might have spent the night. But seeing as he really had no interest in the young Gryffindor, he had no idea where he might be. Getting an evil glint in his eye, Snape leaned down over the sleeping Weasley boy, and when his face was mere inches away, shouted at him. "Weasley! Wake up!"

Ron's eyes popped open and he screamed as he bolted up to a sitting position. Snape barely managed to move out of the way in time to save himself from a head-butt. He clamped his hand over the panicking boy's mouth and sneered at him. "Really, Weasley, did you want to wake the whole tower?" Ron shook his head no, but his eyes were still wide and filled with fear. "I came here looking for Potter. Do you know where he is?"

Ron raised a shaky hand and pointed toward Harry's bed. Snape rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Do you honestly think I am incapable of doing a bed-check? I found you after all. Potter is not in his bed, I thought you might know where I might find him."

Snape removed his hand from the frightened boy's mouth and Ron took in a relieved breath before speaking. "I-I don't know, Sir. He went to bed early, so he might have woke up early. Um, ch-check the kitchens, he goes there for b-breakfast sometimes, and then o-out to the pitch."

Snape nodded and turned away. Ron cleared his throat and asked nervously, "Harry's not in trouble, is he?"

"That, Mr. Weasley," Snape drawled, "is none of your concern." And then Snape was gone, leaving Ron more awake than he had ever been in his whole life. Waking up to Snape hovering over him had been like a nightmare.

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