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Before you judge me take a look at you. Can't you find something better to do. Point the finger, slow to understand. Arrogance and Ignorance go hand in hand - Metallica

Ron was still slumped on the desk as Hermione paced the room and wrung her hands in distress. "We have to do something, Ron! If Harry turns dark..." She let the sentence trail off, not even wanting to consider the ramifications.

Ron was on his feet in an instant. "Hey! That's bloody unfair and you know it. You don't know for sure what Harry and Malfoy were talking about. For all we know, they could have been reading DADA books together."

Ron shook his head at Hermione's scowl. "I'm just saying, besides, I jumped to the wrong conclusion before with Harry and nearly lost my best friend because of it. I'm not making that mistake again. If you want to know what's going on, I suggest we ask him instead of thinking the worst. For once," he added quietly. Fourth year and the Tri-wiz Tournament was still fresh in his mind. He had let his jealousy get the better of him and doubted Harry's sincerity. He wouldn't make the mistake of jumping to conclusions again.

"Yeah. Right," Hermione huffed. "And how do you suppose we do that, walk up to him and say, 'Hey Harry, torture anyone lately?' I highly doubt that would go over well."

"S'better than just assuming he's guilty without asking, isn't it?"

Hermione hung her head. She wasn't often wrong, but in this case, she had to admit that she was. What was worse, was that Ron was right. Luckily for her the five minute warning bell rang and they had to hurry to make it to class on time. And she had Potions, with Harry. Maybe she would get some answers sooner than later.


Standing in the hall waiting for Snape, Draco noticed that several students were missing. Potter being one, and Goyle another. Both were accounted for though; it was Zabini's absence that had him wondering.

Had Harry scared the boy so badly that he was skiving off classes to avoid him? Draco chuckled quietly to himself. He had to admit, after watching Harry last night, he would have avoided him at all costs as well. Probably for less than what Zabini had been put through.

As Snape strode quickly toward them, Draco could see he was fit to be tied; obviously, whatever it was he had wanted with Harry had not gone his way. Several of the Gryffindors, upon seeing the irate man storming toward them, swallowed in wide-eyed fear. It made Draco smile; there was nothing more amusing than watching Snape take his frustrations out on Gryffindors. In his opinion, anyway.


Harry had made it to potions just under the allotted time given him by Snape and slid into his seat beside Hermione. Ron, the lucky sod, wasn't taking Potions anymore. Harry envied him his freedom. "Where were you?" Hermione whispered.

"Don't worry about it, 'Mione," Harry replied. "Snape just wanted to speak with me."

Hermione pursed her lips and huffed at Harry before turning back to her text. "I know you're up to something, Harry, and I will figure it out whether you tell me or not."

Harry shook his head and grinned to himself. He'd let her have her fun trying to figure him out, but if she got too close to the truth, he'd have to make her forget. He hoped he wouldn't have to use this new ability on his friends, but if they left him no choice, he would.

Just as Harry was opening his text book, a brown school owl flew in the window and landed on Professor Snape's desk.

"Potter, come here," Snape sneered as he read the note he'd retrieved from the owl.

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