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Die, die, die my darling, Don't utter a single word. Die, die, die my darling, Just shut your pretty eyes, I'll be seeing you again. Yeah, I'll be seeing you, in hell - Metallica

Tension in the Malfoy study was reaching an all-time high as Harry and Voldemort faced off. Harry, looking far too smug for the Dark Lord's liking, had the audacity to smirk at him and waggle his eyebrows. Voldemort seethed.

Draco watched his lover with amusement. He knew that Harry could have Voldemort on the floor in a heap in a matter of seconds if he so chose, and was actually toying with him. His Harry might belong to Gryffindor House, but he was a true Slytherin where it counted.

"So," Harry said as looked Voldemort in the eye, "the way I see it you have two choices, Tom. I can kill you quickly and relatively painlessly, or I can kill you slowly, with much pain on your part and much enjoyment on mine. It all depends on how you answer my question."

"Insolent child!" the Dark Lord hissed in rage, "you dare to speak to me in such a manner?" Voldemort aimed his wand at Harry, "Crucio!"

Draco snorted as Harry deflected the curse and shook his head in mock sadness at the Dark Lord. "Really, Tom, you'll have to do better than that."

For all of his arrogance and belief in his own superiority, Voldemort actually looked afraid as far as Draco could tell. His mother certainly was, he'd never seen her more pale or wide-eyed.

"Now, for my question," Harry said as he waved his hand toward Voldemort and put him in a full body bind and summoned his wand, pocketing it. "And I already know the answer, so don't bother trying to lie to me, you sorry sack of shite. What were your plans concerning Draco, and what, exactly, did you do to him?"

A few moments went by in silence, Voldemort refusing to speak. Harry grinned and stepped closer to the man who had ruined his life, who had murdered his parents, and killed Cedric. The same man who was behind the attack at the ministry that robbed him of his godfather, and the one responsible for his being attacked by his schoolmates. "I was hoping you would resist," Harry said gleefully. "Crucio," he whispered and watched as Voldemort's eyes squeezed shut in pain and his jaw tightened. It only took a few seconds before he began to scream.


"Ginny!" Colin shrieked as he ran toward the crumpled form of his on-off lover. "Merlin, Gin, what happened to you?" he asked as he lifted her into his arms and hurried toward the hospital wing.

"You'll be alright, Gin, you'll see," Colin assured as he quickened his steps. "Pomfrey'll have you fixed up in no time," he said, as much to comfort himself as he did her. But when she began to wail like an infant, it was all Colin could do not to drop her in his shock.


Sitting in the farthest corner of the Three Broomsticks, Ron and Hermione carried on a heated, whispered conversation.

"But why can't we just pretend like we don't know and go on like always, 'Mione, why?" Ron was practically begging at this point. He had been trying to talk Hermione around to his point of view since they'd arrived. She was still all for confronting Harry about his unhealthy relationship with Malfoy.

"Because, Ronald," she hissed. "We are his friends. His best friends, and as such we have a responsibility to look out for his welfare. I'm not saying we should be blunt and tactless," at this she gave Ron a pointed look, "just that we should sit down and talk like the adults we are supposed to be. If Harry is okay with... whatever it is he's doing with Malfoy, than fine, we'll let it be; but what if he isn't? What if he feels trapped by it and doesn't know how to get out? What if Malfoy is blackmailing him? What then?" Hermione reached for Ron's hand and squeezed it gently, "should we just turn our backs on Harry and leave him to deal with this on his own?"

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