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I want to fuck you like an animal. I want to feel you from the inside. I want to fuck you like an animal. My whole existence is flawed, you get me closer to god - Nine Inch Nails

Naked, hard, and not thinking straight, Draco made the biggest mistake he could have made in this situation. As he licked and sucked at Harry's prick, thoughts of burying himself inside the lovely body splayed before him, he instinctively ran one finger down behind the other boy's balls and brushed it against his opening. The resulting blast of magic threw him cleanly across the room. The last thing he saw before his eyes rolled back in his head was Harry's wide, frightened eyes.


"Draco? Oh, Gods, Draco. I'm sorry, please wake up, I didn't mean to..." Harry pleaded as he gently shook Draco's shoulder. "I just, I wasn't expecting it, you - you've never, and... I didn't mean to. I'm sorry!"

Harry bit his bottom lip softly and then picked Draco up from the floor and carried him back to the sofa. After laying him down, he placed his hand gently on Draco's forehead and whispered, "Enervate."

Draco's eyes slowly blinked open and he looked up at Harry in confusion. "Harry?"

"I'm so sorry, Draco. I didn't mean to, are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?" Harry's babbling would have likely continued but Draco held up a hand to stop him.

"What happened? Last thing I remember I was sucking you off and then... Oh." Draco nodded to himself in realization.

Harry looked down in dejection. "I really didn't mean to, I just wasn't expecting it. I guess I'm still not ready to be touched that way."

Draco sat up and lifted Harry's chin. He looked him in the eye and smiled softly. "It's alright, Harry. It was my fault; I should have thought of that. I promise, next time, I'll ask first."

"N-Next time?" Harry stuttered in apprehension.

"Not any time soon, Harry. I don't think my head could take another bump right now," Draco replied, trying to lighten the mood.

Harry's face took on a look of sorrow that made Draco felt like crap. "Hey, none of that now, I was trying to make you feel better, not worse. C'mere."

Draco pulled Harry into his arms and they curled up together - still naked - on the chesterfield. Many minutes passed in silence as they lay together but eventually Harry sighed and broke the mood. "I guess we might as well get dressed, it's a bit chilly down here and I've obviously spoiled the mood tonight. Then again, head trauma will do that to a person."

Draco chuckled and shook his head. He pressed a quick kiss to Harry's lips and sat up. "It is getting rather nippy; I think my bollocks have retreated to warmer climates." Harry laughed and made a point of looking. Draco gave him an indignant look and slipped on his boxers before searching out and putting on the rest of his clothes.

Once dressed, the two boys made their way back up to Myrtle's bathroom where Draco pulled Harry into his arms once more and kissed him. Their embrace was cut short by a loud wail followed by a splash as Myrtle, unhappy with seeing her Harry in the arms of another, fled to the safety of her toilet.

"We better get out of here before she floods the place," Harry whispered to Draco and then stepped away, pulling him out of the room by the hand.

"Come down to the dungeons with me. It's late and Zabini, Nott and Crabbe should be sleeping. We could play with them a bit."

Harry grinned, his earlier feelings of guilt all but vanishing with the prospect of revenge. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan."


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