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Life is full of problems. And here's the remedy. Denial works for me (denial works for me). There's a freight train coming, Loaded with anxiety. You're tied to the tracks - don't worry (denial works for me)- Tism


"No! We're not talking about this, Herm. I don't care what you say, I'm not reliving that," the irate red-head snarled.

Hermione sighed. "But Harry..."

"Has gone completely mental!" Ron cut in. "I mean, fucking around with Malfoy is one thing, having a relationship with the sod I could even handle, but this.... perverted shite they were playing at? 'Mione, he crawled. Harry - our Harry - crawled on his hands and knees and then... Damn it, 'Mione, what the hell is wrong with him?"

"I don't know, Ron. Maybe we should talk to him about this."

"And say what?" Ron practically shouted. "Hey, mate, we followed you around the castle and watched you suck off Malfoy the other night. Oh and by the way, what's this about you quitting Quidditch? Is that what we should say to him?"

Hermione huffed in annoyance. "No, that's not what I think we should say to him. Honestly, Ron. I was thinking we could simply sit down and discuss it like rational adults, but then I remembered who I was talking to!"

"What, so now I'm not rational? Well screw you! I just watched my best friend crawl to my worst enemy, what do you expect me to feel about that? He's Harry Potter for fuck's sake, he can stand up to You-Know-Who, but Malfoy says shite and he comes sliding?"

"I don't understand it either, but perhaps if I could find a book on these types of relationships..." Hermione said.

Ron snorted. "Yeah, you do that. Go find a book to solve all of Harry's problems. I'm going upstairs to bed. Maybe when I wake up this will all have been a nightmare." That said, Ron stomped off to his dorm and left a very annoyed and hurt Hermione standing in the common room.


"Stay with me tonight?" Harry asked Draco as they left the old classroom.

"Down in the chamber?" Draco asked.

Harry grinned. "Well, I'd take you back to the tower, but I think Ron would try to kill you. Or me. Possibly both," he answered with a laugh.

"Do you think he'll say anything to you, about tonight?"

"No, if anyone says something, it'll be Hermione." Harry shook his head. "I hope they learned a lesson from this. They're my friends and I don't want to hurt them or anything, but I need space and privacy sometimes, and they don't seem to understand that. I mean, I never dreamed of following Ron around when he was sneaking off with Hermione when they first got together."

"Well, maybe this will have done the trick. But if it didn't, I'm not adverse to the idea of doing it again," Draco replied cheekily.

Harry pinned Draco to the wall and rubbed against him. "Did you get off on that? Having power over me, knowing you could make me do anything and I would obey? Did you like knowing that my friends were watching as I crawled for you, as I sucked you and begged you to touch me? Did you enjoy being my Master, Draco? Did it get you all hot and bothered?" Harry purred in his lover's ear.

Draco groaned and practically melted against the wall. "Yes," he replied. "Oh, fuck yes."

Harry nipped at Draco's ear. "Me too," he whispered and then claimed Draco's lips in a fiery kiss.


It was late and under normal circumstances she would be sleeping, but then again under normal circumstances she would be a he. Greg Goyle sighed in frustration and threw a roll of parchment against the wall. Runes was never an easy subject and it was worse now that he had to study on his own. At least before, he had Draco to help him when he got lost - which admittedly was quite often.

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