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It's a sign of the times, it's the ultimate crime, guilty of being caught red handed. The roll of the dice says your gonna do time, guilty of being caught red handed. - Descendents

It was nearly dawn when the portrait hole opened and an invisible presence slipped into the Gryffindor common room. It would have gone unnoticed if not for the two people who had been sitting quietly in the dark for some time now, waiting for just such a presence to arrive.

"Harry, wait," Ron said as he got to his feet. "We need to talk."

There was a rustle of fabric and then a somewhat dishevelled Harry Potter materialized by the stairs to the boys dorm.

"Ron, what are you doing up? It's nearly five thirty."

"We waited up for you, me and Hermione." Ron waved his hand, indicating the girl standing slightly behind him. "I was - we were worried about you. Dean and Seamus told us what happened earlier, that you hexed them and then ran off." Ron scratched his head, deciding to leave Malfoy out of it for the time being. "What the hell happened, Harry, where have you been?"

Harry sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He had been hoping to avoid this conversation for as long as possible. He didn't know how to tell his best friends that he wasn't the same boy that they had befriended back in first year. That he had learned so much more about himself, his "purpose", his family and his power. How could he tell Ron that there was yet one more thing that set him aside, that made him different, that made him better than everyone else? He would lose Ron's friendship for sure.

And Hermione? How could he ever look her in the eye if he admitted that he had been raped? That he, the most powerful wizard in the world, had been captured, subdued and then defiled by a bunch of his peers? She would pity him, and he couldn't stand bear that sentiment.

He was supposed to be their saviour, how would they feel knowing how easily he had been taken? Would they lose faith in him? He wouldn't be surprised if they did.

"I was just out walking, thinking, you know?" Harry tried to be vague but reassuring. He really didn't want to talk about this.

"No, Harry, we don't know," Ron huffed in annoyance. "You never talk to us about anything important anymore. You've been like this ever since the end of fifth year, ever since Siri-"

"Don't, Ron!" Harry cut him off. "Just... don't. Okay? I don't want to talk about it; there's nothing to talk about, in fact. I just wanted some time alone and so I went for a walk. End of story. And now, I'm rather knackered so I'm going to bed." Harry turned away and headed up the stairs. "Goodnight, Hermione. Ron."

The two Gryffindors at the bottom of the stairs watched in silence as Harry ascended the steps and then turned to look at one another as the door of the seventh year boys' dorm closed with a soft click.

Ron blinked in shock. "Herm, what the hell just happened?"

"I don't know, Ron, but you're right about one thing. Harry is definitely keeping something from us. Something big." Hermione shook her head sadly as she thought about what it might be... what she was pretty sure it was, in fact. Ron might have been oblivious, but Harry's rumpled state, swollen mouth, and messier-than-usual hair hadn't gone unnoticed by her. Nor had the rather livid, red, suck-mark on his throat.


After stripping down and climbing into bed, Harry lay awake staring at the ceiling in the soft, predawn light. He hadn't been lying when he told Ron and Hermione that he was knackered, but now that he was in bed, his mind was running a mile a minute. It was probably trying to process all the strange events he'd been through in the past 48 hours. The attack, the books in the Chamber of Secrets, the spells, his budding... friendship? with Malfoy.

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