Chapter 7.

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With everything that has been going on Jess wanted to keep to herself, she had a big secret and she couldn't tell anyone, especially right now. "Hey sweetheart?" Jess totally ignored Grayson, not on purpose but just because she was thinking so much. "Beautiful!" Jess jumped at his voice. "Hey honey." Her eyes met his as she sat on her knees kissing his lips gently. "Is there a reason you've been zoned out?" She shook her head quickly, that made an eyebrow raise from her boyfriend but he shook it off seeing how she had her books and Mac open. "Which class?" Jess looked down at the computer in front of her and then the book. "Oh journalism." He smiled loving that she was so talented and could do anything she wanted. "Journalism, huh?" She nodded and shut the computer and stood up walking over to him wrapping her arms around his waist. "Luke is bringing home sushi, and since you don't like that I asked him to stop by Chic-Fil-A for you." Jessica smiled, he knew her so well. The smallest things he did made her fall more and more in love with him. She tugged on the collar of his shirt making him chuckle as he leaned down pressing his lips to her softly.

Luke walked in the house holding two bags in one hand and a drink tray in between his chest and arm. "Guys, really? I watch television in there can you not makeout right there." He joked and Jessica moved away from Grayson and took the drink tray setting it on the counter. "Thank you for the food Lukers. I'll pay you back." He shook his head and chuckled. "No you won't, I won't let you now, let's pray, and eat." After Grayson led them through prayer they all dug in. Grayson's hand setting on Jessica's thigh, he wasn't trying anything he just wanted her to know that she was protected. She never understood why he did that, she loved it nonetheless. After they ate Luke cut ESPN on and there he was, on the screen as a women was talking about him. "I don't need mommy and daddy getting involved. I want one of the players to just knock him out. And they should, they should just knock him out." Luke turned it off and Grayson looked down, Jessica saw Grayson get up and walk to his room slamming the door.

Grayson paced the floor, he couldn't understand why people just couldn't leave it alone. In an act of frustration he slung everything off his desk, including the picture of him and Jessica at countdown. He leaned over to pick it up as he heard a soft knock and the door opened. "Gray?" A sweet, soft voice called out and he looked up to meet her apologetic gaze, he got up and walked over hugging her tightly. "I don't know what to do anymore Jess." He whispered in her neck, Jess sobbed hugging her boyfriend, she was so angry at the Michelle Beadel. How could someone say that about someone? She wanted someone to knock Grayson out, it crushed Jessica and also made her worry just a little bit. Right now it wasn't about Jess's anger, it was about Grayson. "Don't listen to her, or anyone from the media. You did wrong yes, but you're a good man Grayson James Allen. I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world. You're not a monster, there's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect." He blushed softly as he laid down on the bed with her.

The next morning, Jessica woke up to Grayson with his head cuddled into her chest. She played with his hair and kissed the top of his head a few times. "I don't deserve you.." a groggy voice spoke out. "Yes you do now hush and stay cuddled into me." Jessica spoke running her fingers though his hair. "I love you." Grayson said with his eyes closed and Jessica smiled sweetly. "I love you more." Luke walked in with his eyes covered. "Uh, we have practice." He uncovered his eyes and looked at Grayson. "You guys are too cute, I swear." Jessica giggled and Grayson got up causing her to frown. "I know I'll be home soon though, finish up your school work and I'll take you out tonight." Jess smiled and nodded getting up walking to the shower. "Not nice Jessica!" She laughed with a confused, scrunched up nose. "Baby, I'm getting in the shower, not making fun of you." Grayson laughed and winked at her. "Yeah but you're gonna be naked and then I'll have that thought all through practice. Jessica couldn't help but burst into laughter as Luke spoke. "Gross, I don't wanna see that at practice man."

After a few hours Jess finished her work and got ready for Grayson. She put some dark ripped jeans on, with a cream sweater along with a hat that hid the top of her head, and her hair in pigtails braids. Two hours after that Grayson walked through the door as she was slipping off her vans. The look on his face made her stop her actions. "I forgot." He looked back and revealed Matt, Chase, and Frank behind him. Jessica nodded and smiled softly slipping her maroon vans back on. "It's okay." She was extremely hurt, and tried to hide it well. "I will just grab something from Wendy's or something." Grayson held his hand out as she gripped her keys with her hand. "Want me to go with you?" Jess shook her head and pointed to the guys. "Nah, you stay and have fun, I'll be back later." She walked out the door and wiped her eyes a bit, she was so hurt by Grayson's actions. She didn't understand how someone could forget a date that they planned. "Jess?" Luke's voice was full of worry as he ran up to her hugging her tightly. "Everything is okay, there's something in my eye." She smiled a fake smile and walked off quickly.

Luke walked into his apartment and was greeted by everyone but he immediately went up to Grayson and whispered quietly. "Why did Jess leave crying?" Grayson looked at him with a confusion running through his face and eyes. "She didn't, she was smiling." Luke shook his head no and Grayson tensed up quickly. "No I saw her in the hall she was crying. She tried covering it up but, she failed epically." When Jessica had things in her eyes. She would joke with Luke about it. He would ask "are you okay?" She would say "no Luke, I'm heart broken over the way you played." So Luke knew when something was wrong. Grayson sighed and ran his hands over his face. "I don't know, what's wrong with me. I'm always on time of our dates, always." Luke patted his teammates back. "Things happen, we're human, we forget things." While that was going down at the apartment, Jessica was standing in line at Wendy's waiting to get her food. She saw a man that looked familiar. She smiled and waved. "Jess? What are you doing?" She shrugged pointing to the cashier. "Oh you know getting some food, what about you coach?" Jon smiled and mimicked her actions. "Getting food. Where is Grayson?" Jessica smiled and folded her arms over her chest. "He's at the apartment with the boys." Jessica's number was called and she hugged Jon goodbye and walked to her car driving back to Grayson's.

She entered the apartment and she was greeted by her boyfriend picking her up and kissing her lovingly. "I am so sorry I forgot, my love." Jess shrugged and Grayson stopped her. "No, it's not alright." She looked around and noticed candles on the table and he sat her down walking to the table and pulled her chair out for her. She looked all around and smiled seeing he had white Christmas lights hanging around, along with flowers on the table and he walked over with a plate. "I know you bought food but I wanted to do this for you." He sat down a plate with Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, and he poured her a glass of welches sparkling red grape juice. She giggled and looked up at him wiping her eyes. He leaned forward kissing her forehead. "I am so sorry princess. I love you, and I wanna thank you for everything that you've done for me these past few weeks. Word could never describe how much I love you, and appreciate you." She leaned to meet him pecking his lips lightly. This meant so much to her. It was her favorite meal, this was her favorite holiday juice, and he was her favorite man. "I love you Gray." She looked at him, guilt hit the pit of her stomach and the little voice inside her head said 'you need to tell him.' But she pushed that to the side and began eating a fantastic meal with her fantastic boyfriend.

▪️I hope you enjoy this chapter.
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