Chapter 14.

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Everything was muffled to Grayson, the doctors, and even Jessica. He didn't know what to do. The doctor touched his shoulder. "Son, are you alright? You look like you're gonna pass out." Grayson moved his hand off of his shoulder and glanced at Jessica that was getting something put around her stomach. "What is that?" Grayson pointed and walked to Jessica, who held his hand and kissed his knuckles, trying to relax him. "It's to watch the baby's heart rate, she's okay babe." Jessica spoke softly and smiled weakly to her boyfriend. "You see Mr. Allen, Jessica has gone into early labor." Grayson's eyes widen, his heart sank, he thought he was going to be sick. "We're trying to control it. If we get everything calmed down and the labor to stop. She will go home and be on bed rest."

"And if you can't stop it?" Grayson's voice was shaking, much like the rest of his body, Jessica gave his hand a light squeeze and he kept his eyes on the doctor. "You risk having a premature baby, and possibly losing the baby." Grayson swallowed hard, and let go of Jessica's hand. She knew he had to get out of there she made up an excuse for him to leave cause she knew he wasn't going to leave her side. "Gray? Can you go get me some fries from the cafeteria? I'm starving." He nodded kissing her head, and walking out quickly he was met by Luke, and he hugged him and cried into his shoulder. Luke was confused, and worried. He hugged Grayson back his eyes darting from the room to him. "Grayson? What is going on?" At that time Matt and Amile walked up with some Chic-Fil-A. They both tried to process what was going on but Grayson began speaking.

"She's in labor, if they can't get it to stop then Laurel is gonna be born, but she is so premature that we could lose her. I can't lose her guys, I can't lose my daughter." Grayson broke down, he paced the waiting room as Matt gave Jessica her food. She sighed looking down to her stomach. "It's not looking good Matty. It's looking like we're gonna have Laurel on Valentine's Day. They said they could hold it off one more week. How is it, I've been a mother all of about twenty minutes and I've already failed?" Her head leaned back, and her eyes closed. Matt sat next her rubbing her back slowly. He didn't know what to say. He knew she wasn't failing. She looked at him and sighed. "He is going to hate me if I lose her." She whispered as tears fell from her eyes. "No, he won't. Nothing is going  to happen to her. She's going to be fine. You're going to be fine. You're not a failure! You're doing amazing." Grayson walked in handing her flowers, and a card. He kissed her lips gently. "The flowers are for you. The card is for Laurel Grayce." He kissed the top of her head and he sat down as Jessica handed him the card. "Read it to her then."  He opened the card and leaned forward to Jessica's belly.

"Dear Laurel Grayce,

I love you, you're my first born daughter I will love you with all my heart until the day I die. As your father I wanna protect you with all I have, I promise to protect you from anything that will bring you harm, or tears, and especially pain. Nothing will ever hurt my baby girl. Daddy loves you Laur, more than you'll ever, ever know.

  Your mommy is so strong, so patient, so kind. She loves you probably more than any of us know. I hope you are like her, in looks, attitude, and smarts. Mommy is the most amazing woman in the world.  I know you're giving mommy a bad scare and she wants to be strong for everyone but she needs to know that's Daddy's job. Daddy is suppose to protect and stay strong for his baby girls.

Now your gonna join us out here but we know you are strong, you're gonna make through anything that stands in your way. And Mommy and Daddy will be there every step of the way. So will your uncles. We love you Laurel Bug.


Jessica wiped tears from her eyes as well as Grayson's. "she's gonna be okay Jessica, I know she is." He repeated as their lips touched softly. That night Grayson laid with Jessica for the whole night.

A week went by and right on schedule Jessica began feeling major pain. She hit her nurse button. By now Grayson's parents along her parents, when she says parents she means Mr. and Mrs. Kennard, plus Lauren. It was Tuesday February 14th, 2017 when they predicted Laurels arrival, which was majorly scary seeing how Grayson wasn't home and wouldn't be until Thursday morning. Lauren stayed with Jess most of the time while she was in the hospital. "Laur?" Jessica's voice was broken, that was the way to describe Jessica at the moment. Broken. Her eyes red and puffy, she had been crying since Grayson left. Her body was weak and in pain, due to the labor being stopped then started, then stopped again. And lastly, her spirit, all the doctors have given Laurel a fifteen percent chance of making it, she knew she was a failure as a protector. Lauren's head lifted to meet her sisters gaze and it broke her heart. "You're okay, I know it hurts, I know it's easy to fear this but you don't need to fear, I know she's gonna be okay. She's a Kennard, well Allen, but she is a tough little girl." Lauren spoke wiping her own eyes making sure to sound proud of her sister and how far she had come.

Valentine's Day passed and no Laurel, that made Jessica worry and happy at the same time. Duke beat Virginia, and still no Laurel. The boys landed in Durham and Grayson went straight to the hospital and walked in, seeing the sight everyone else got to see, the sight he hated seeing, he saw how broken she was. He leaned over kissing her forehead which woke her up. "Ah, ah, ah.. You close those beautiful eyes and go back to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up." Jessica laid her head on Grayson's forearm and she was burning up. When a nurse walked in Grayson informed the nurse about the fever and she nodded writing it down and said the doctor would be in shortly. "She waited for you to get home." Jess spoke softly and with a smile. Grayson kissed her forehead and played with her hair. "I'm glad, I wish she would wait a little longer." He chuckled as the doctor walked in. "Miss. Blair? Hi I'm Dr. Lee. I will be delivering your baby, and I just want to let you know that we will being doing it within the next few hours, with a spike of your temperature we don't wanna wait any longer." Jess squeezed Grayson hand and was shocked feeling him squeeze back letting her know that she wasn't alone. The doctor walked out and Grayson got his phone out, putting everyone into a group text letting them know what's going on, why it was happening, and told them to get down to the hospital if they wanted to support Jessica. He sent the text and heard a soft voice.

"I'm scared." Grayson turned around and sat his phone down and kissed her lips lovingly, holding both sides of her cheeks. He placed his forehead on her. "I know you are." He whispered softly and felt her lips on his once more. "I don't know what's going to happen G." Jessica sighed trying to relax not wanting to spike anything with the baby. "None of us do, the future is a scary thing. But I won't let you do this alone. We have each other, baby girl and that will never ever change." Those were the words she needed to hear. She was scared, and so was he. They were both met by their families. Luke walked up hugging Jessica. "It's gonna be fine." Luke said hugging his little sister, and then his best friend. Seeing the doctor walk in fully scrubbed and ready to go. They were met with multiple good lucks and scared looks. Grayson didn't leave her side, he squeezed her hand reassuringly as Jessica nervously bit her lip. They put Jessica on a stretcher and began rolling her down the hallway to labor and delivery. Grayson was so strong in this moment. He kissed her head and let her squeeze his hand when she was in pain.

While in the waiting room everyone looked around. "She's strong, so strong." Matt said while his nerves were shot. "I know. I'm worried about Laurel. She's so fragile and I don't want to see Jess lose her." Chase spoke softly while looking at Luke. "Hey man, she's okay." Luke nodded and turned to Chase. "Yeah..." he couldn't handle this suspense he wanted to see his sister, and niece.

After hours of pushing and screaming, Laurel Grayce Allen was born. She weighed 5 lbs and her lungs weren't working on their own. They took her to run a few tests.

"I want her to make it, she was beautiful." Grayson said softly.

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