Chapter 2

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For months, Persephone would simply sit in her room, staring out her window. Or take long, lonely walks through the wild woods. She should have been excited about living in the mortal world, but she didn't care. She knew now that her mother would never let her out of sight. At times, she would simply sit beneath the trees, running her hands through the dirt. 

Demeter worried about her daughter, but didn't doubt her decision to come live on Earth. She knew Persephone would see her side. She needed her daughter here with her. She needed her help, her strength. She never told Persephone how much she reminded her of what she was like before Zeus had seduced her. She refused to remember that time of her life. She needed her daughter. She lived for her. But seeing her like this, made her almost feel regret. Almost.

One day, Artemis and Athena came to visit. Persephone was sitting under a pomegranate tree in the garden, looking at nothing in particular.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" Artemis stormed up to her friend and lifted her to her feet with one hand.

Persephone looked at her sadly. "I don't know."

Athena stood next to them and frowned. "How long have you been like this?"

She shrugged. "Since we arrived."

Artemis shook her. "And you haven't gone exploring? You haven't sought out the nymphs and dryads? You haven't created gardens? What happened to you?!"

Athena shook her head. "You need to get out, Seph. You need to go out and see the world!"

"My mother will never let me go."

Artemis and Athena looked at each other. Artemis set her friend back down on the ground. "Perhaps not. But you still have plenty of space to explore. Meet with the nature spirits. There's an ocean nearby; go swimming!"

Persephone smiled sadly. "At least you guys came to visit me." 

Athena rolled her eyes. "Stop playing the pathetic drama queen, Seph. It doesn't suit you. You're the strongest, most independent goddess I know! And you live with your mother! If that isn't something to be proud of then I don't know what is."

The nature goddess shifted uneasily from foot to foot. "Well, I suppose we could go exploring for a bit."

Artemis clapped her friend on the back. "That's the spirit! Now come on! That ocean is waiting!"

Persephone smiled back. It felt good to see her friends. She followed them as they ran to the beach. They giggled and laughed as they ran through the long grass to the sand. 

They all stripped out of their dresses and ran straight into the waves. They shrieked as a wave crashed into them, almost toppling them over. They splashed each other and pushed each other down. 

When they were done, they all laid out on the beach, letting the sun dry their bodies. 

Persephone sighed and closed her eyes. She hadn't felt this happy in months. "Thanks guys. I don't know what I would do without you."

Artemis rolled her eyes. "We'll always be here for you, Seph. But you can't let yourself get down. You have to make some kind of an effort. Your mother's doing all she knows how."

"I guess you're right. I need to cut her some slack."

Athena nodded. "You need to get out and explore. You always loved exploring! And there's so much more space here! Look at all of the trees and wildflowers! I'm sure some of the nymphs could show you around if you asked them."

Persephone turned to look at her friends. "Thank you for reminding me who I am. I didn't feel like myself at all. I felt too distant and unhappy."

Artemis poked her in the shoulder. "You let yourself stew in your sadness for too long. You just moved down to Earth, it's not as if the Titans were unleashed upon the land! Just enjoy the change of scenery!"

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