Chapter 15

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Persephone woke in the middle of the night, wide awake. She wasn't sure what exactly had awakened her, but she knew she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. A light breeze stirred the gossamer drapes that covered her window. The grey light of night lit up her room. She rubbed at her eyes and thrust her blankets back, deciding to go for a midnight walk.

The palace was silent. Torches and candles lined the corridors, their immortal light casting a warm glow over everything. Persephone stepped quietly, her bare feet making no noise on the stone floor. She clutched her shawl that was wrapped tightly around her shoulders. Where was everyone? Where did they all sleep? She realized she had no idea where Hades' room was in the palace, even though he knew where hers was.

She walked into the throne room, not really sure of where else she could go. The doors opened easily. The room was eerily quiet. Not a sound could be heard. There were no candles or torches lit in here, she had to grab one from the hallway. 

Hades' throne sat in the shadows. Although it wasn't very large or ornate, the throne seemed to portray true ruling power. It was as stoic and simple as Hades was. It seemed to be calling out to her, drawing her down the purple carpet that led to the small dais the throne sat on.

Persephone stepped onto the soft carpet, barely registering it beneath her feet. She slowly took the steps up to the throne, taking in every single detail of it. There was no cushion for Hades to sit on to provide any comfort, and there were no jewels embedded in the stone. She trailed a hand along one of the arms of the throne. Simple carvings of vines stretched up along the front of it, making her smile.

Without even thinking, she lowered herself onto the throne. She felt herself sitting taller, straighter, than she ever had before. She looked out at the room from her seat, imagining it full of people who were relying on her to make decisions. A vision flashed before her eyes of Hades sitting in a throne next to her. They ruled from their twin thrones, each making judgements on the shades that waited before them.

She blinked and it was gone. She was still in the shadowy room, sitting on a hard, cold chair. Persephone rose, wanting to find Hades. She didn't know what that vision was but she now felt the need to find him. She hurried out of the room, closing the door silently behind her.

She found a set of stairs that she had never noticed before. They were tucked into a dead end hallway and narrow, curving slightly. She climbed up and up. Elaborate candelabras decorated the walls at regular intervals. She kept her left hand on the wall to keep her steady as she continued her ascent.

The stairs ended abruptly in front of a large wooden door. It was simple; no carvings or jewels adorned its surface. Two torches blazed on either side of the door. 

She wondered if this was where Hades slept. She put her hand on the door, and then hesitated. She didn't want to just waltz in there; that would be rude. But she didn't want to go back to her room alone either. 

Persephone knocked gently on the door, hoping he might hear her.

"Who is it?" she heard his voice grumble from behind the door.

"It's me," she said, still being quiet. She didn't know who was trying to prevent from hearing; as far as she knew they were the only people in this part of the palace.

She heard sheets rustle and hurried footsteps. The door flew open. Hades stood before her, a himation hastily wrapped around his body. She smiled at the hair that was sticking up in some places.

"Persephone. How can I be of help?" He peered out into the stairwell. "How did you find me?"

She cleared her throat. "Might I come in?" she asked, pointing to a divan that was tucked into a corner. 

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