Chapter 20

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Hades kept an eye on Persephone while she interacted with her friends. He glanced over to a corner of the room where Zeus was attempting to woo a minor goddess. She was leaning away, as if she trying to distance herself without appearing to be rude. Hades called for a servant, whispering in her ear. He watched as the servant wended their way through the crowd. She whispered something in the goddess' ear, appeared to apologize profusely, and led the goddess away from Zeus' dark, hungry eyes. The goddess smiled at the servant gratefully.

Hades turned back to Persephone. She was still speaking with Artemis and Athena. The friends seemed happy to at least know their friend was alive and well. The young goddess' eyes sparkled in the candlelight. She gestured wildly as she told her friends some story, all of the women laughing hysterically. She seemed content. 

He forced himself to turn away. If she wanted to leave and be with her friends -- if she ever asked him -- he could never say no. She was his guest, and even if he wanted to keep her here to protect her from her mother, he could never do what she had done -- he could never lock the one he loved away. 

"Hades!" Poseidon thumped his brother on the back.

"Hello, Poseidon," the god of the Underworld said. 

Poseidon crossed his arms and leaned into his brother. His deeply tanned skin glowed in the light of the candles, and his stormy blue eyes scanned the party-goers. He brushed his long, dark curls out of his face. "Great party. You should do this more often." He reached out and gently touched a leaf that was growing on a vine ruled around a pillar. "Who's your decorator?"

"Just some nymph," Hades said, taking a step away from his brother so that Poseidon would have to stand up on his own. 

"Well she's done a fabulous job. I might have to get her to come down to my palace and decorate it."

"I'm not sure Amphitrite would like that very much."

Poseidon shrugged. "We're in an open relationship, brother. Of course you wouldn't understand, seeing as you've never been in one before." He sniggered as he watched his older brother's face grow red.

"I don't think you understand women, Poseidon. Who suggested this 'open' relationship?"

He puffed out his chest. "Me, of course!"

Hades sighed. Sometimes he wondered if he was the only sane one in his family. 

Poseidon nudged him in the side. "So, I hear from Zeus that you're planning on courting Persephone. Better not tell Demeter that!" He burst out laughing.

"Well, actually --"

"Too bad Demeter hid her away before you were able to do anything. Although I heard Zeus gave you their location in the mortal world? Shame you haven't had the guts to go speak to her yet. You really should get on that, brother. You know Apollo and Hermes are also keen on Persephone? Well, Hermes was but now he's moved on to other things. Apollo edged out the competition, again. But he can't get rid of you! I know how stoic and persevering you are . . ."

Poseidon went on and on. Hades ignored it. He kept one eye on Persephone while pretending to pay attention to his talkative younger brother. She was still talking away with Athena and Artemis. He spotted Hecate standing at the edge of the crowd, cloaked in her shadows. She was also keeping an eye on Persephone, no doubt making sure her enchantments held up.

". . . and so that's how I invented the horse! It truly is a marvellous creation. The most beautiful animal in all the worlds, I do believe. Even Demeter herself was in awe of my creation," Poseidon said.

"That's great, Poseidon."

"And what have you done to woo a woman, brother?"

"I prefer to have a relationship where we woo each other."

Poseidon spat out his wine. "Excuse me? What is wooing each other? It's not a real relationship if you don't do everything in your power to win the lady over and she rejects you repeatedly. Just look at Zeus!" He gestured to their little brother, the king of the gods, in the corner.

Zeus was attempting to chat up a young male minor god. The young god had his back to the lord of lightning and was blatantly ignoring him. He was talking to another male god who would occasionally look questioningly at Zeus before returning his attention to his conversation. Hera stood in a corner on the opposite side of the hall, trails of steam coming out of her ears as she watched with her arms crossed over her chest.

Hades raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm not so sure out little brother is the one we should be looking to for relationship advice."

"Why not? King of the gods, lord of lightning, and he gets all the ladies!"

"He rapes them. He rapes the ladies. And men."

Poseidon pointed at Hades with his goblet of wine. "You have to hand it to him, he doesn't discriminate."

Hades sighed. "Yes, I suppose you're right."

A glint of gold caught his eye. He turned to see what it was, and immediately wished he hadn't. Apollo stood next to him, eyeing up the crowd. 

"What a marvellous party you've put on, uncle." Apollo's face was neutral, no emotions whatsoever.

"Decided to leave your little toy at home, nephew?" Hades asked, just as neutral.

"Nephew!" Poseidon threw his arms around Apollo and lifted him off of his feet. Apollo made a small squeak. "It has been a long time, my boy. How have you been? I hear you're apprenticing with Helios to eventually take over his duties as god of the sun! Well done!"

Apollo brushed himself off. "Yes, well. Helios is quite old, uncle. It's about time he retired."

"It has nothing to do with the fact that your sister Artemis was chosen by Selene to the be goddess of the moon, does it?" Hades asked.

Apollo huffed a breath. "Of course not!" He glanced around the room again. "There are many beautiful goddesses and sprites, Hades. Why do you not seek one out for yourself?"

Hades refused to take the bait. "I prefer to be alone, nephew. Unlike you, and many of the other gods, I do not need to constantly search for someone to be in a relationship with. I'm perfectly happy doing my job, which is what I'm supposed to be doing anyway."

Apollo dismissed his uncle's comment. "You rule the Underworld! What does that entail? It basically runs itself. It's not like you're the god of death itself, that's Thanatos' job. You just oversee everything."

"Exactly. I oversee everything so you can understand that I don't have that much free time."

Poseidon laughed and threw his arm around Apollo's neck. "Come, nephew! Let us leave Hades to his gloom. I'm sure there are others out there who could better entertain us. Farewell, brother! And try to enjoy your own party!" Apollo glared at Hades as he was dragged away by his intoxicated uncle.

"Having fun?"

Hades spun around. The gods needed to stop sneaking up on him. That was his job.

Persephone laughed when she saw his face. "Did I scare you?"

He smoothed out his clothes and attempted to look dignified. "Of course not."

She smiled up at him. "You were! That's okay." She turned to look at everyone. "So, are you enjoying yourself?"

He gave her a small smile. "I am now."

She nudged him with her elbow. "Glad to hear it."

They stood there contentedly in silence, just staring out at the crowd of gods and spirits, both living and dead. Hades swallowed a few times and finally reached his fingers out. He grazed Persephone's hand, finally grasping her fingers in his own.

They stood there like that for a long time.

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