Chapter 10

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Persephone began eating whatever her mother brought her. She would sit on the floor and of her room and meditate all day, plants sprouting and blooming all around her, only to die and crumble away at night as she slept. She thought of ways to escape, ways to be free.

Demeter was happy. When her daughter had stopped eating she had become scared, but now she was relieved. And she would know exactly where she was at all times. This girl would not be out of her sight for a moment. No god would take her daughter away from her.

It had been a week since Demeter had created the cocoon around the cottage. Hecate had come to visit, but was a bit distracted.

"What's wrong, my dear?" Demeter asked, pouring tea for the two of them.

Hecate sighed. "Oh it's nothing. Hades is just in a depressive mood. He was so happy, the happiest I've ever seen him, and now it's as though his heart has been ripped out."

Demeter snorted. "Well, he's the Lord of the Underworld, what do you expect?"

Hecate shrugged. "It was just nice to see him happy for once."

There was a small thud from behind the door of Persephone's room. She raised an eyebrow at her host. Demeter waved the sound away as if it was nothing.

"But other than that, everything's been well?"

Hecate eyed the door suspiciously. "Yes, all is well. And how are you and Persephone?"

Demeter hesitated slightly. "We are well. We had a bit of a . . . spat earlier, but it's been resolved." She gave Hecate a tight smile, hoping that it looks convincing enough.

The goddess of magic nodded. "That's good. I was wondering at the cocoon around the cottage, but I'm glad to hear everything is all right."

The harvest goddess cleared her throat. "Yes, that was a result of our minor argument, but I decided to leave it as I quite like it."

"And where is Persephone? I much desire to speak with her. It's been some time since I've seen the young goddess."

Demeter waved her hand. "Oh, she's out with some of the nature spirits. They've taken a liking to each other and spend as much time as possible in each other's company."

"I'm glad she's found some good friends who are nearby."

"Yes, me too." Demeter fell silent.

"You know, Apollo and Hermes are still after her heart."

"They should give up."

"I know Hermes has relented, but Apollo is as determined as ever. I heard he struck down one of his followers just because he didn't like the offerings."

"That's not like him. Usually he can't get enough of the offerings his followers give him, no matter what they are."

"Yes. He has fallen into a very dark mood."

Demeter looked out at the sun. "I hope it doesn't affect the sun. My plants need good, strong sunlight to grow."

"I'm sure Helios would never allow that to happen. Apollo may be the god of light, but Helios is the titan of the sun."

Demeter nodded. "Indeed. And let's hope it stays that way. We can't have someone as emotional and unstable as Apollo in charge of something as important as the sun. He already is the god of so many other things. I don't know how someone like him keeps everything under control."

Hecate smiled wickedly. "So what if he doesn't? That means more prayers for the rest of us."

The harvest goddess swatted playfully at her friend. "Don't say such things!"

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