Chapter 14

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Persephone woke with a smile, the memory of the night before still lingering in her mind. She rolled over, eyes still closed. She wanted to simply replay that memory over and over again. She couldn't quite believe she had kissed Hades, or what he had said to her. "I love you." Remembering those words made her feel warm inside.

There was a knock on her door. She sighed and propped herself up on an elbow. "Yes?"

The door opened and Thanatos stepped inside carrying a tray. "Lady Persephone. I have brought you a breakfast of foods from the world above." He brought the tray over to her and set it on a low table. 

"Thank you, Thanatos," she said, scooting over to the side of the bed.

He bowed and backed out of her room, closing the door behind him.

Persephone sat in front of the tray of food. She took it all in, not really sure what to eat first. There was ambrosia and nectar, of course, as well as apples, oranges, bread, olives, and a pomegranate. She dug in. Despite the fact that she technically didn't need to eat anything, she had felt as if she had been missing out on something. Such a simple activity, and yet she had missed it. 

Once she was finished with her breakfast, she got dressed. She wore a pastel lavender dress, hoping to brighten Hades' day. Her thick curls she left down, letting them cascade down her back.

The entire palace seemed abuzz with activity. Servants were moving about the halls, hardly stopping to say good morning. Persephone let herself be carried away. She ended up at the throne room, which was where she had intended to go.

She gently knocked on the doors before opening one a crack and peering inside. Hades was sitting on his throne, the pile of scrolls next to him as usual. Thanatos stood at his right, providing some sort of advice about a situation. 

Persephone slipped inside and let the door shut behind her. Hades looked up and gave her a smile. Thanatos also looked up, a small smile playing around the corners of his mouth. 

She stepped toward the pair. "Am I interrupting something?"

Hades shook his head. "Not at all." He turned to Thanatos. "Would you please bring in a chair for Persephone to sit on? I would like her help with something."

Thanatos bowed his head before turning to go fetch a chair. 

"You want my help? What for?" 

Hades held out his hand and she took it without a second thought. He gently rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. It felt so soothing and calming. She smiled at him and he smiled back. 

"I would like your help planning my annual banquet. I have the food and beverages ordered and prepared. It's all more food from the land above, as no one wants to tempt fate by eating anything from the Underworld. But, I would have your help planning decorations and music. I think you would add a nice touch to the whole affair."

Her smile broadened. "I would be honoured to help you with your banquet. I'm so touched that you would like my input on this."

Thanatos came bearing a small chair. He placed it to the right of Hades' throne. Persephone took the shallow steps up and sat down next o the dark god, never letting go of his hand. 

"Would you like me for anything else today, Lord Hades?" Thanatos asked.

"No, thank you. You may go about your duties." Hades waved a hand in dismissal as the god of gentle death bowed, a smile still tugging at his lips.

Persephone turned to Hades. "So what do you need help with first?"

He held up a scroll. "First I wanted to decide on music, and then possibly you could select some decorations. I've been told in the past that my decorating skills are lacking."

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