Chapter 5

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Persephone smiled to herself as she went about her chores. She noticed her mother staring at her often. "What?" she asked. 

Demeter shrugged. "Nothing." She turned back to the flowers she was tending to in the gardens. "You just seem . . . happier today."

"Well, maybe I am starting to enjoy myself."

Demeter raised her eyebrows, but said nothing. 

Persephone sighed. She was trying to get a rose bush to grow straight but it kept twisting and turning on itself. "I wish I could go travel the world."

Her mother shot her a dark look. "You will not go travelling."

"Why not?" Persephone shot back.

"Because I need you. Here."

"Why don't you just keep servants, like the rest of the gods? There are thousands of nature sprites that would love to help you grow your garden." Persephone grabbed at a branch on her bush. She hissed, pulling her hand back. Ichor began dripping down her hand. She sucked it thoughtfully, trying to make it stop.

Demeter held out her hand. Her daughter dutifully placed her injured hand in her mother's. Demeter's hands were warm, the skin touch and calloused from tending to her gardens. She pulled out a clean strip of cloth from a pouch at her waist. "I am just trying to protect you. Besides," she tied off the cloth, "I don't need thousands of servants. The sprites are happier free and I am happier with you."

Persephone took her hand back. "I'd be happier free, too," she muttered as she returned to her bush. It resisted her efforts. 

She finally threw up her hands in the air. She stood up and began walking down the hill toward the forest.

"Where are you going?" Demeter called. 

"For a walk! I won't be far," Persephone called back.

Demeter huffed and crossed her arms, then turned back to her garden.

Persephone skipped kept her pace slow as she walked into the forest. The sprites were hiding, but she could hear them rustling in the trees. They chittered to each other, just out of sight. She didn't care; she wasn't there for them. 

She spotted the boulders that led to the Underworld, and hurried forward. As she got closer, she stopped short.

Standing in front of the boulders was the god she had met the night before. 

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "You came." He sounded relieved, almost as if he hadn't believed she would.

"Of course! But it's quite early. I only just had dinner. I'm not sure how my mother will feel if I'm not back by the time she is ready to go to bed."

He shrugged. "She's a grown goddess."

She smiled brightly. "Exactly." She looped arms with him, catching the god off-guard. "Now, shall we be off?"

He smiled down at her. "Yes." His face darkened for a moment. He extracted his arm and grasped her by the shoulders. "But first, I think I should tell you who I am . . ."

She raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't matter."

His eyebrows shot up. "It doesn't?"

"No. I mean, you're a nice god. Why does your name matter? I'm sure I'll figure out on my own anyway. It's like a challenge!" She rubbed her hands together, relishing the idea.

He looked at her for another moment before shrugging. "Suit yourself." 

"Now, shall we?"

The two headed between the boulders. This time, the gap seemed comfortably wide. It was so wide in fact, that the pair could walk side by side with ease. Persephone frowned, but didn't question it. 

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