Chapter 24

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Persephone lounged in her tub, enjoying the sensation of the warm water. She closed her eyes and sighed. Flowers floated along the surface and the servants had poured fragrant oils into the water. The scents reminded Persephone of her home back on Mount Olympus. Her old home; before Demeter had made them leave for the mortal world. Persephone frowned at the memory. 

A knock on the door startled Persephone out of her reverie. 

"Yes? Who is it?" she called.


"Come in!" Persephone smoothed down her already slick hair.

The door opened slightly and a head of dark hair poked into the room. "Hello, my dear." Hades smiled and took a step in. He looked at what she was doing and his eyes widened slightly. "I should call on you later," he said, averting his eyes.

She sank deeper into the water, letting the flowers cover her body. "It's okay, Hades. Was there something you wanted?"

"I was just wondering if you would like to go for a walk with me?" His back was to her now.

Her smile couldn't have been wider. "Of course! Let me just get dressed." 

She slipped out of the tub and ducked behind a screen. Hades' servants had placed a dress out for when she was done her bath. Persephone quickly brushed the knots out of her curly hair and left it down to air dry. 

She stepped out from behind the screen and cleared her throat. "You can turn around now."

Hades turned slowly, still slightly apprehensive. He stepped up to her, smiling. "You look beautiful, as always."

Her green dress hung from her body in all the right places. She had even tucked a sprig of asphodel into her curls. "Why thank you, Hades. And you look very handsome yourself."

He held out his arm to her. "Shall we?"

Smiling, she took his arm. "Where shall we walk today?"

"I was thinking the gardens. I expanded them a bit since the last time you were there."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? And how did you manage to do that?"

Hades stuck out his bottom lip and pouted slightly. "You doubt my powers? I am the Lord of the Underworld! Altering physical reality in order to make the love of my life happier is nothing to me."

"The 'love of your life' huh?" She put her hand on her hip.

He rubbed the back of his neck and refused to look her in the eyes. "I-I mean you are the goddess who I do love a-and will probably -"

"Hades." She forced him to face her. "You are the love of my life too."

A bright smile spread across his face. "That's very good." He kissed her gently on her forehead.

"Now come! I must have you inspect the newly expanded gardens."

Persephone laughed but let Hades drag her forward. She wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but it was sure to be something spectacular if it had been Hades' idea.

Hades led Persephone out of the palace toward the gardens. Where before there had been a simple, small plot of land dedicated to plants, there was now yards of it. The grass and soil extended out way beyond the original borders of the garden. The river bank had altered as well and the gateway to the world above seemed farther away.

Trees sprouted up, flowers blossomed, and fruit dangled from branches. Persephone let go of Hades' arm and danced from plant to plant, laughing the whole time.

"When did you do all this?" she asked, her nose buried in an intoxicating flower. 

"I found the time," he said, smiling quietly to himself.

"But Hades, we were just here yesterday! And you have so much work already! How did you do it?"

He shrugged. "Thanatos and I managed to do it last night."

Persephone stopped. "Last night? You two did this all in one night?" She ran right up and peered very closely at him. "Are you sure you're not a nature god?"

His deep laugh rolled out across the gardens. "I promise, I'm not a nature god."

"Good. I can't have you taking my job," she said as she dashed away again to examine the rest of the plants.

Hades conjured up a small bench beneath a tree and sat down. When Persephone was satisfied with the garden she came and joined him. The pair sat in contented silence, simply enjoying each other's company as they looked out at the plants. 

Persephone couldn't believe that Hades had done this for her. She had thought his original gift of the garden was enough, but this was much too much. She became very serious.

"Hades, how can I repay you for this gift?" 

He waved a hand as if to wave away her worries. "You need not worry about repaying me."

"But I must! This gift - it's too much. Much too much."

Hades cleared his throat. "I suppose there is one thing you could do for me."

Persephone jumped off of the bench and settled onto her knees in front of him. "Anything!"

He cleared his throat again and took both of her hands in his own. His large hands covered both of hers. 

"Well. I was thinking that you could repay me by becoming my wife."

Persephone sat back on her heels. She couldn't believe what he had just said. "Excuse me?"

"Only if you want to! I don't want to pressure you. I just thought that you would prefer a garden to a ring so I wanted to present this to you . . . But if you would rather not then you don't have to worry about saying no."

She looked up at him. He was such a large man. He stood head and shoulders over her and almost everyone else. He folded his warm hands in his lap and looked away. His shoulders were hunched and his hair had fallen in his eyes but he ignored it.

Persephone stood up on her knees and pushed the hair out of his eyes. "Hades. I would like nothing better than to become your wife."

He looked at her, eyes wide as though he could hardly believe what she was saying. "What?" he asked hoarsely.

"Yes. I want to marry you." 

She felt a warmth spread from her stomach up into her chest. The warmth moved up and a smile spread across her face. She knew this was the right decision. She had never been happier than when she was at Hades', when she was with Hades. The Underworld was where she belonged.

"I can't believe this," Hades said, running a hand through his hair.

"Believe it." Persephone threw her arms around him, kissing him hard. 

He fell back off the bench and they were both laughing as they landed in the soft grass. 

She pecked him with kisses and her only thought was that she couldn't wait to spend eternity with this god.

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