Chapter 29

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Hades sat slumped in Persephone's garden. She watched him from the porch, not sure what to say. What does one say to the person they've been married to for only a few days before having to leave for six months? Six months. Stars, what was her mother thinking? Persephone had thought her mother strict and kind of terrifying, but she had never thought her mother had the capacity to be so cruel. 

Persephone sighed and went and sat next to Hades, leaning her head against his shoulder. "My love."

He glanced over and smiled at her sadly. "Hello."

She sat up. "Come on, why don't you look at me? We still have one more night together before my mother takes me back tomorrow morning."

"I can't -" His voice broke. "I can't look at you without thinking about what my life has become now. I was so happy. So incredibly happy. And now you have to leave."

She grabbed his hand. "I know. I wish things were different too."

He looked away. 

"Come on, let's make this night memorable at least?"

He sighed and let her drag him up from the bench, leading him back into the palace. Servants hid themselves, staying far away from the grief-stricken pair.

Persephone led him up to their room. She still had her own room on the main floor, but she preferred sleeping with Hades in the same bed, not that she had much time to figure out her preferences.

He sat down on the bed, staring at the floor. She knelt in front of him, holding his face between her hands and making him look at her. She looked at his sad face before kissing him on the cheek. Then the other one. Then his forehead. And finally, his lips. She pulled back and looked up into his face again.

Hades looked at her, his eyes seeming to search for something. Finally, he grabbed her face and pulled her close, kissing her hard. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself up. 

He stood, scooping her up and then placing her onto the bed. He kissed her neck, making her squirm. 

"Hades," she said breathlessly. 

He looked at her. "What is it?"

She pulled off his chiton, looking at him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He kissed her shoulders and gently pulled her dress off, pressing himself against her.

Persephone kissed him hard, not wanting this to end, tears streaming down her face.

The pale grey light of day in the Underworld streamed through the window. Persephone blinked and looked over at her husband. Her husband. She would never get used to that. Hades was lying on his side in a tangle of sheets, his chest rising and falling.

She smiled as she watched him. He was so beautiful.

"Stop staring at me."

She laughed. "I'm not staring at you."

Hades opened his eyes and shot her a look. "Yes you were, I could feel it."

She rolled onto her back. "Silly god."

He leaned over and kissed her bare shoulder. 

She closed her eyes and sighed. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

He grimaced. "I know."

The pair got up and dressed slowly. They wanted to spend as much time together as possible. They sat at the table staring at the spread of food the servants had put out for breakfast. Persephone felt sick looking at the food; there was no way she could make herself eat anything. Hades was just sitting there too. She had never seen him look so depressed. 

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