Chapter 18

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Hades was standing in the throne room talking with Thanatos. The god of death was informing him that everything was going according to plan (including the reaping of souls, death doesn't stop for anything). Hades was just about to ask whether his brothers had arrived yet or not when one of the large doors creaked open.

He sighed and turned to see who was there. His jaw dropped when he saw who entered.

The nymph had dark hair with green tips wrapped around her head in a braid with flowers tucked in the plait. Her pale green dress hung loosely on her body, cascading off her curves. Her pale skin had a greenish tinge, and her large dark green eyes made her skin seem even paler. Lush lips tugged themselves into a smile beneath a pointed noise.

"Hello, Hades." The nymph took a couple of steps forward, Hades' staring at her sashaying hips. 

Thanatos smiled to himself and backed up, discreetly leaving the room with Hecate who had lingered by the door. 

"Do-do I know you?" He swallowed hard.

"You mean you don't recognize me?" She put a hand on her hip. "After all the time we've spent together?"

"I'm sorry-I don't know . . . Was there a goddess out there at all? I'm waiting for someone."

"Really? Who are you waiting for?" She placed a delicate hand on his arm, smiling up at him from beneath long lashes. "I'm here now."

Hades backed up. "I'm sorry, but I think you have me confused with someone else."

The nymph threw back her head and laughed. "Oh, Hades. It's me!" She smiled broadly and bounced over to him. She pirouetted before him. "Isn't Hecate a genius?"

He blinked a couple of times before he saw it. It was faint, but he could see an outline of Persephone's original body. The nymph before him was taller and more curvaceous, but it was still her.

"I can't believe it's you! I thought you were someone completely different!" 

She smiled even wider. "I know! Hecate and I thought we'd have some fun before I told you it was me."

He narrowed his eyes. "That wasn't very nice," he said in mock hurt.

She sidled up next to him, pressing her body into the side of his. "Well I'm not a very nice goddess."

He swallowed hard again. He forced himself to look at her green eyes, slightly unnerved from the fact that they had once been a warm brown. 

A grin suddenly split her face. "I'm just kidding, Hades. Come on! We should go greet some of your guests." She hurried toward the door, the same old bounce in her step.

"Persephone, wait."

"What is it?"

"You look beautiful tonight. I mean, not that you don't always look beautiful because you do! It's just that tonight, you like especially beautiful."

She frowned slightly. "Do you prefer the way I look this way?"

He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I prefer you when you're you. All of this," he gestured to her new form, "is simply a covering of your true identity. You look beautiful, but you're even more beautiful when you're yourself."

She smiled at him. "Thank you, Hades. You look very nice yourself."

"Oh, we should also come up with a name for you, don't you think?"

"Hmm. What about Minthe?" 

Hades winced. "I'd prefer something else. I had a bad experience with a nymph named Minthe."

"Okay. How about Orea?"

"Perfect. For tonight, you are the nymph Orea."

They exited the throne room and made their way down the corridor to where the great hall was. Candles and torches lit the entire area, casting a warm glow over everything. A large table sat in the middle. Gods and goddesses, both minor and major, mingled with daimons, spirits, nymphs, and other guests. 

The pair stood just outside of the candlelight. Hades took a deep breath. 

"You remember the story?"

"Yup." Persephone watched the various deities moving about.

"Don't stray too far from my side, and remember, this glamour will last until the party is over so you need to leave before that."

She took a deep breath. "Ready?"


They both pasted smiles on their faces, Hades' less genuine than Persephone's, and entered the fray.

Persephone gripped Hades by the arm as they moved into the light. The gods and goddesses all turned. If they seemed surprised that Persephone was there they didn't show it. 

A god with golden hair and a neatly trimmed beard stepped forward with a goddess by his side. "Brother! You have finally decided to grace us with your presence." He motioned toward Persephone. "And you brought a young nymph with you too." He wagged his eyebrows at her.

Persephone cringed internally, but made herself smile widely. "My lord."

Hades cleared hist throat. "Zeus, this is Orea."

Zeus leaned toward his brother. "So you decided to forget about Persephone and go for a nymph? Nicely done, brother."

Hades rolled his eyes. "Sure."

Persephone laughed nervously, covering her mouth discreetly.

The goddess who had walked up with Zeus cleared her throat. "Zeus, why don't you introduce us?" Her light brown hair was piled on top of her head, a golden crown situated amongst the locks. She wore a deep purple dress, the fabric pooling on the round around her. She carried a sceptre in her right hand.

Zeus waved his hand dismissively. "Orea Hera, Hera Orea."

The queen of the gods rolled her eyes. "Ignore my husband. He's a bit of an idiot. Stars only know why Rhea decided he would rule." She smiled. "Pleased to meet you, Orea. I'm surprised that Hades would bring you to this. How did you two meet?"

Persephone smiled meekly. "My lady. Hades was visiting the Lady Demeter and I was . . . helping her in her duties."

"I didn't know Demeter had nymphs that helped her with her gardens."

"Oh I only help sometimes! The Lady is quite capable of fulfilling her duties without any aid."

"I see." Hera tilted her head. She eyed up her husband, who was leering at Persephone's large chest.

She crossed her arms. "Perhaps I shall see you around, Orea." She turned and walked back into the crowd. 

"Ignore her," Zeus said. "She's always been a jealous witch."

"Not without good reason," Hades muttered.

"Anyway, I suppose I shouldn't take up all your time. But I would like to see you again. Later tonight, perhaps?" Zeus winked at her.

Persephone cringed. "We shall see, my Lord."

Hades stepped in front of her. "I need to visit with the others. Perhaps we shall see you later, Zeus. Perhaps not."

Zeus shrugged his shoulders. "Very well. I saw a most delicious looking male spirit somewhere. I think I might go find him." He turned and walked away, not headed in the direction his wife had just gone.

Hades put a gentle hand on Persephone's back. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't come anywhere near you," he whispered in her ear. 

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