Chapter 12

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Persephone woke to the sounds of the palace. Servants went about their business, delicious smells wafted in from the kitchens, music floated in from her window. A gentle breeze stirred the hangings at her window and around her bed. 

She smiled as she rolled over, enjoying the feeling of simply being. Her bed was incredibly soft and the silken sheets slid over her body lightly. She finally opened her eyes, taking in her room. 

It hadn't changed since she the last time she had left. Her red dress was still draped over the divan. She felt a twinge of regret for leaving her red scarf back at the cottage. She padded over to the dress, holding the fabric in her hands, thinking about the dark god who had given this to her.

The Lord of the Underworld, Ruler of the Dead, had provided her with something her own mother couldn't: love, and companionship. Her mother's smothering protectiveness had always kept Persephone squirming away. She had never been able to truly confide her deepest secrets with Demeter, and even though Artemis and Athena had been there for her, they had never been able to provide her with true freedom. Only Hades had been able to do that for her.

Persephone started at a knock on her door. "Yes? Come in."

The door opened wide. Hades stood framed by the doorway, his head almost touching the doorframe. His eyes widened slightly as he looked at her. Persephone was wearing a thin nightgown that had been part of the wardrobe he had provided her with last night.

She smiled brightly. "Good morning, Hades."

He returned the smile. "Good morning, Persephone. I hope you slept well?"

"I did, thank you. I haven't slept so well in months."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Will there be breakfast soon?" she queried. She asked more out of habit than out of hunger.

The dark god shifted on his feet. "Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with any food. To do so would be to force you to stay in the Underworld forever." He shook his head. "I couldn't do that to you."

She nodded, remembering that rule. "I see. Well, that's okay. We gods don't actually need to eat anyway, right? It'll be a test of my divinity." She winked at him.

He smiled again. "I can have one of the servants also go above to fetch you some food, that way you can still eat."

Persephone gave him a small laugh. "That would be very nice."

"I have some things to do today, but if you need anything the servants are here. But if you would rather I keep you company, I can. I'll be in the throne room if you need me."

She smiled. "Maybe I'll stop by so you can take a break from all of your lordly duties."

"I would very much like that." He hesitated as if he wanted to say more. Instead, he simply reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I can't tell you how happy I am to have you here with me."

Persephone slowly reached out a hand, but he was gone before she could say anything. She felt as though all the air had been sucked out of her. "I'm happy to be here too," she whispered.

Persephone wandered the corridors. She had been sitting in the grove at the back of the palace for a while, just listening to the plants. They had been humming with energy. When she first saw them, all of the trees and flowers had been drooping. Leaves and petals had strewn the path, as though they were dying. One touch from her had them perking up and sprouting even taller than before. She smiled at the memory of the plants growing for her, trying to prove how well they could thrive in the Underworld.

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