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Rosalie ended up waking up at 5 in the morning. The email said she'd have to be there by 7 am sharp so she saw no point in going back to bed.

She got up and showered before dressing herself. By the time she walked out the door, it was 6:35.

"Turn right at your next stop light." The navigator said. She was supposed to meet with the man at some building that she was not familiar with, which is rather odd since it's a pretty big building and pretty hard to miss.

Once she got there, she stared at the big skyscraper through her windshield. She could make out the name Styles Enterprise at the very top. She checked her appearance on her mirror before getting out of the car and walking inside the building, looking around in awe.

It was just as big from the inside.

"Can I help you?" A woman asked, taking Rosalie's attention away from the people in suits.

"Oh, um, yes. I am looking for Harry Styles?" She said unsure. Rosalie has never worked in a place like this and wasn't sure how things worked.

"Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked, giving her a unamused stare.

"Um well no, not really—"

"Who are you again?" She interrupted, picking the phone to her ear whilst dialing a number.

"Rosalie O'Hare." She answered shortly.

There was silence for a while as she waited for the call to connect before speaking. "Sir, a Rosalie O'Hare is here to see you, should I send her in?" Pause. "Okay." She says before hanging up. "He hasn't arrived yet, but you can go ahead and go to the twentieth floor." She says, turning her attention back to her computer screen.

"Thanks." Rosalie muttered before walking towards the elevator and pushing the button for the 20th floor.

Once she got there, she began to look for the mans' office, though she didn't have to look long since his name was in a gold plate on the door.

"Rosalie O'Hare?" The secretary asks, she nods. "Go right in, he will be right with you." Rosalie opens the door, only to be greeted by big windows and a mahogany desk in the middle of the room.

There was a big shelf to her left with what looked like big heavy business books and picture frames, and when she goes over to them, she notices three kids. The two girls had their sleeping baby brother in between them.

Rosalie smiled, assuming they were his. They looked like sweet kids and she only hoped she was right. She continued to look around the many pictures of his kids he had around his office before she heard the door open.

"Miss O'Hare?" A husky voice suddenly spoke. This made Rosalie jump and turn to the door only to see a tall, curly haired man in a suit walk inside the room.

"Mr. Styles?" She says making him nod. Rosalie suddenly felt intimidated by the mans presence that it caused her to grip the strap to her black purse. The man unbuttoned his suit before signaling to the couch for her to sit.

"Have a seat." He said firmly in which Rosalie kindly accepted. She took a seat and watched as Mr. Styles sat on the other couch. "So in your application it said you had experience with kids?"

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