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"Breakfast is ready, girls!" I say from the kitchen, placing Eric on his high chair and placing food on his plate. Soon, the kitchen is filled with tiny pitter patter of tiny feet making me smile as I give them their plates.

I was wondering where Renata was, but it wasn't like I had breakfast made for her. She was usually up early, dressed like Meryl Streep in Devil Wears Prada.

We were almost done with breakfast when I hear the front door being unlocked making me stand up. "Stay here." I say to them making them nod. The door is being open by none other than Harry in last nights clothes and his hair was disheveled as he held an angry look on his face.

"Renata!" He shouts making me jump, much too angry to notice me or the kids that just came running out from the kitchen to see him. "You better have your shit packed because we're going down to that courthouse to file a divorce, and you're going to sign it!"

"Daddy!" Penelope says making me stop her from going towards him. Harry was in the middle of the staircase, shouting at the top of his lungs.

When Renata didn't come down, Harry made his way upstairs and disappeared into his room where the door slammed shut and screams and shouts were muffled by the closed door.

"Girls, lets go finish breakfast." I say, distracting them from the chaos going on upstairs. Once they're back in the kitchen, I stay by the staircase and soon, Harry is walking out, dragging Renata by her arm.

"Let go of me, you asshole!" She shouts, hitting at his chest. "You're hurting me!" She says but Harry ignores her as they reach the bottom of the stairs.

He turns to me. "I'll be late, don't wait up." He says before walking out the door with Renata.


It's been about three hours since Harry left with Renata and the kids and I have been playing outside in the pool. Penelope and Sophia had their floaters on each arm, though I was surprised to watch them swim with no problem at all.

"Daddy put us in a swimming class when we were little." Penelope says as she swims around me where I was carrying Eric. He probably did that so he could leave them somewhere while he was at work.

"Is mom going to leave?" Sophia asks, swimming closer making me turn to her.

"She's just going to go live somewhere else for now." I didn't want Sophia to have her nightmares all over again because of me. "I'm sure she'll visit if you want her to, don't worry."

She shakes her head. "I'm not worried." She says, staying afloat.

I raise an eyebrow. "You're not?" I ask. I thought maybe I had messed her up again.

"Nope," She says, emphasizing the p while shaking her dark blonde head. "As long as we have you, I don't worry." She says with a smile before swimming away with Penelope.

After ten more minutes in the pool, we dry off and go back inside just in time to see Harry coming inside with Renata who looked like she had been crying, judging by the stains of mascara running down her eyes. Her eyes were puffy and red and she looked scared of Harry.

"Harry -" She begins but Harry cuts her off.

"Don't make this any harder than it has to be, Renata." He warns, his look intense making her back up. "Go grab your stuff, the last thing I'll do for you is get you an Uber and because you are the mother to my kids, I will pay for your stay at a hotel until you get back on your feet but after that, you're on your own."

Renata nods and heads upstairs and after three minutes, she comes back down with her suitcase in hand appearing more collected than when she came in.

"Please," She says to him. "Don't make me leave my kids."

Harry only looked more mad by the second. "I'm sure that won't be a problem for you. You didn't care about them enough to begin with that you felt the need to leave them when things got bad. Now they have Rosalie, and that's all they'll ever need."

He finishes off by opening the door for her. When she turned to the girls, she gave a small smile before turning to me holding Eric. "I will make your life miserable from here on." She whispers to me making me glare at her as she smirked at me.

I thought maybe she'd say an I love you to the children but I wasn't surprised when she walked past Harry without saying another word.

When Harry closed the door, he turned to me with a smirk. "Who missed daddy?"

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