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As the weeks passed, Harry and I's relationship grew stronger. We knew this was probably best for the kids, now that I'm here for them indefinitely as Harry wants me to be. And it'd be silly not to, considering the kids think of me as their mother.

Renata was gone and things seemed pretty normal. Harry and I slept on the same bed and we'd all have breakfast together before Harry took off to work and the girls left for school.

The weekdays were filled with Eric and I sitting in front of the TV, going grocery shopping, preparing the food and then having playtime as we waited for the food to be ready when everyone came home from work.

Harry was arriving back later than usual but being CEO of his own company, it wasn't an abnormal thing. "Mommy!" I hear Penelope's voice from upstairs making me poke my head from the kitchen.

"What is it?" I call back before I hear tiny footsteps coming down the stairs to reveal Penelope with a paper in her hand.

"Can you sign this?" She says, handing me the paper and a pen. When I read through it, it's a permission slip for a field trip their school was having. "They're taking us to the movies and then we're going for pizza afterwords." She says with a grin making me nod.

"How about we wait for your dad to know about it? He shouldn't be long." I say with a smile.

"But aren't you and daddy dating? That makes you my mommy and you should be able to sign my permission slips." She crosses her arms.

Sometimes it amazed me how mature Penelope was for her age. "Yes," I say. "But I have no legal guardianship over you or your siblings and I'm not registered as an emergency contact in your school, so therefore I think it's best that we wait for your dad."

"Okay." She shrugs. "But so you know, you're my mommy no matter what they say." She says before walking away back upstairs. I let out a small laugh as I straighten up and take the paper with me into the kitchen.

It was about to be six in the afternoon and dinner was almost ready and as I waited, I fed Eric a snack while he played with one of his toys on his high chair.

Ten minutes pass and the food was ready. Whilst I served the girls, the front door opens and in comes Harry, his suit folded on his arm leaving him in his white button up with the sleeves rolled up.

"You're home." I say from the kitchen's doorway. He looked at me and smiled. "Food's ready."

"I'm going to have a shower first if you don't mind?" He says making me shake my head no. "I'll be down in a bit." He winks at me before walking away upstairs.

Meanwhile, I go back in the kitchen and feed Eric his food.

"Rosie?" I hear Harry call from upstairs making me look up from the dishes, setting the last clean plate on the drying mat. I quickly dry my hands and leave the kitchen, the kids already fed and watching a movie in the living room whilst Eric plays inside his cot.

"Yes?" I say, already going upstairs to see what he wanted. Once inside the room, I stand outside the bathroom door and speaks again.

"I forgot my towel on the bed, can you please get it for me?" He asks making me turn to the bed to see it was indeed there, only I wasn't sure why he didn't just come out and get it himself since it's only a few steps away. I don't say anything and grab it before knocking on the door. "It's open."

I take in a breath and open the door, the mirror was steamed up so that I couldn't see anything and when I walked inside to place it on the towel rack, I catch a glimpse of a very much naked Harry.

Tattoos scattered all across his torso and some dipping lower onto his V line and when I caught glimpse of him, he cleared his throat making me snap out of my trance and walk out with my face feeling hot.

I hear him laugh from the other side of the door making me let out a breath. "You know, if you wanted you could've taken my portrait." He mocks. "I like my some Jack and Rose type of shit." He snickered making me groan. "Draw me like on of your French girls, why don't you?"

"You could've gotten your own towel!" I bite back before the bathroom door is being open, the towel now resting on his hips as water still trickled down his curls to his chest.

"And pass up the opportunity to see you get flustered? I don't think so." He chuckles making me roll my eyes as I sit on the edge of the bed and watch him go inside his closet.

"What are you doing?" I ask him before he comes back out with another suit.

"It's Friday night, some coworkers of mine want to go out for a drink." He says making me nod. "They want to meet you."

"Meet me?" I repeat making him nod. "For what reason?"

"They want to meet the woman who's making me happy." He smiles, coming down to my level and planting a kiss on my lips. "So go and get ready, I'll ask my neighbor if she could watch the kids."

"I don't know.." I say unsure of myself. "What if they ask how we met? Am I supposed to tell them I was hired to be the nanny at first?"

"Why not?" Harry shrugs. "You don't have to be someone you're not around me or my friends. They're not judge-mental, at least they shouldn't. Shit knows, they aren't perfect. One of them is cheating on their wife with her sister, so let them try." Harry points out making me giggle.

"I just don't think I should leave the kids." I say making Harry stop his actions, sitting down next to me.

"Alright, fine." He says while unbuttoning his shirt again. "If you don't want to, then neither do I."

"What are you doing?" I raise an eyebrow. "Harry, I don't want to stop you from going out with your friends. You work too hard, you earned it. Go have fun."

"I'm way too old for drinking for fun," he removes his slacks and puts on his sweats. "Fun for me is being home with my family." He says whilst kissing my lips.

CEO's Nanny [h.s] AUWhere stories live. Discover now