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"Rosalie?" I heard Harry say from somewhere in the house. I look up from Eric playing with his toys.

"Yeah?" I say but I get no reply making me groan and stand up. "You know, it's really annoying when you don't answer." I cross my arms as I stand by the doorframe. Harry was on his laptop typing away.

His sleeves were rolled up and the three buttons on his white dress shirt were unbuttoned. "Work?" I ask and watch as he rubs his temples.

"Shit ton of it," he sighed, his fingers going through his hair. "Do me a favor will you? Can you make me some tea?" He asked tiredly. It was no surprise he was tired, it was almost midnight and he'd been in here all day.

"Of course." I smiled, glad he asked me for something to do. I was bored out of my mind and the girls were already asleep, only leaving me with Eric as I watched him play.

As I waited for the tea kettle to finish, I took out a plate of strawberries and whipped cream and sat on top of the counter, kicking my feet back and forth. I did this until I felt a hand at the small of my back from behind making me jump.

"Enjoying yourself?" I heard Harry say making me shrug. "What were you doing before I hired you, Rosalie?" He asks, taking a strawberry and putting it to his heart shaped lips.

I had to force myself to look away and get off the counter, preparing the cup. "Well, I had finished my college semester early, so really nothing. I worked for some time in this old burger joint, I had to quit because the place was disgusting." I say with a shudder, remembering that one time I had moved a box in the fridge filled with old moldy frozen patties.

Harry nods. "Where were you living?" He asks, taking a seat on the stool.

"With my grandmother." I say making him nod. "Do you want sugar?" I ask, turning to him to see he was resting his chin on his hand.

"Honey, please." He says making me nod. I take the honey out of the cupboard and prepare his tea. As I did so, I could feel his strong gaze on me making my face feel hot. I wasn't in my usual proper attire, considering it was almost bedtime, I had changed in my shorts and my big t-shirt.

"Your tea." I say, placing the cup in front of him before I take a seat on the stool in front of him. He must've not minded that the tea was blaring hot because he took a sip, not taking his eyes off me.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend, Rosalie?" He asks catching me off guard. I cock my head to the side.

"A bit personal, don't you think?" I challenge making him smirk.

"Well, we've already kissed." He shrugs. "How more personal can this get?" I'd like to find out.

No, you wouldn't.

I clear my throat. "I have." I nod. "Why?"

"Just a question." He shrugs. "What'd he do to deserve you?"

I roll my eyes. "Absolutely nothing. I was just stupid and he cheated." I say.

"Well isn't that just moronic?" He says. "To think having someone like you would make anyone bend the knee, and then here comes some pubescent idiot who hurts you just to have the same meal with someone else."

I look away, my face feeling hot once again. I hear the stool scrape the floor signifying he stood up and walked to where I was. He bent to where our faces were the same height. "Sounds to me like you need a man and not a boy."

His gaze locks on mine and before I knew it, before I could even realize what was happening, I leaned in killing any space we had between us and connected our lips abruptly.

Our lips moved in sync, his lips roughly kissed mine in a hungry manner not daring to stop to breathe. As his hand traveled down to my ass, I felt a tap on my shoulder making my eyes flutter open to see Harry hovering over me.

When I sit up, I was on the couch with a blanket over me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He says.

"What happened?" I could've sworn we were just making out a minute ago.

"Well I was just in my office and when I came out you were knocked out." He explains. So I dreamt the whole thing. "I know taking care of kids can be tiring, so why don't you sleep in? I'll take care of them."

I shake my head, standing up. "No I'm fine," I say. I'm about to walk but one of my legs get tangled with the blanket making me trip, expecting to hit the floor Harry's arm snakes around my waist, stopping the fall.

"You're not fine, you're tired." He chuckles. "Go on, do as I say." He says, helping me stand up. I'm about to refused but by the looks of it he wouldn't give up.

"Okay." I nod and walk away.

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