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For the following days, nobody spoke about the incident. Not even me. I didn't want to even think about it. My attention was always on the kids. Hell, I think I even became more over protective. I was officially acting like a mother.

"Yes grandma, I'm fine.'' I was currently on the phone with my grandmother. I hadn't talked to her in a few weeks but today she decided to call.

"When will you bring that man and those kids over here? I would really love to meet the kids." She said making me roll my eyes.

"I can't just take them grandma, I have to speak with Harry for permission. They're his kids." I remind making her ignore me.

"I'll expect you guys next week.'' She says before ending the call. I sigh and connect my phone to the charger. It was 11:05 pm and Harry was still at work.

It wasn't unusual for him to stay late, especially now that he's been trying to get his company's stocks back up. I couldn't sleep at all, I hated the feeling of being alone in this house, although I wasn't entirely alone since the kids were just a few doors down from me.

Unable to sleep, I got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen where I started the coffee maker. I opened up Netflix on my phone and watched The Office while I waited.

After I made my coffee, I was about to start a new episode when the door opened making me pause it. "Harry?" I call out and the footsteps redirect to the kitchen and when they reach the kitchen, I see a very tired Harry.

"You're home." I say with a smile. He sits down on the chair and sighs. "How was work?"

"The company received five hundred thousandth worth of investments from other companies." He says.

"That's good?" I say. I wasn't sure how businesses worked.

"It's alright, we're slowly getting back what that son of a bitch stole." He says.

"I still don't understand why you didn't report it to the police." I say making him run his hands through his hair.

"There was no proof, it happened in my home on my computer all it shows is that I sent money to another company." He says making me nod. "Besides, he's got a kid on the way, I'd be a shitty person to do that. Especially since I know what it's like to be broke and with kids."

"But that's not fair, he knew you had kids." I point out.

"It's called Foul Play. It's common in big companies, you just sort of work and hope it doesn't happen to you." He yawns. I watch him remove his suit before I speak again.

"Hey, is it okay if we pay my grandmother a visit? She's been asking to meet the kids and you for a while now it's driving me insane." I say.

Harry nods. "Yeah, of course." He smiles. "I don't see why not? It'd be an honor to meet the person who gifted me with a great woman." He catches himself. "That's a great nanny, I mean."

I laugh. "I think it's time for you to go to bed." I say making him nod in agreement.

CEO's Nanny [h.s] AUWhere stories live. Discover now