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"Nanny!" Was the first thing Rosalie heard as soon as she stepped foot inside the home. Much to her surprise, the house was spotless, no signs of food stains on the couch or crayon marks on the walls.

The house was surprisingly clean, assuming she had been gone for the weekend, she was thinking about how much cleaning she would have had to do when she got back since she left the kids alone with Mr. Styles.

She was glad she didn't have to clean since she was so tired from the 6 hour drive home.

"You're back!" Penelope said as she with Sophia ran towards their nanny to give her a big hug. "Did you miss us?

"Like crazy!" Rosalie giggled as she kissed them on the cheeks repeatedly.

"Someone's back early." She heard Mr. Styles say. She looked at him as he came down the stairs with the baby in his arms who was smiling at her.

"Mama!" Eric said making her smile widely before running towards Mr. Styles to grab the baby from his arms.

"He missed you." Mr. Styles says, not bothering to correct the fact that Eric kept calling her mama. He's done it so often he's used to it. "I thought I was alright but I'm sure the girls will let you know what I did wrong." He added.

"He was okay." Sophia shrugged from Rosalie's feet since she was now hugging her legs as in to not let her leave again.

"No, he was awful!" Penelope said, sighing in exasperation and annoyance making Rosalie laugh.

"Hey! I wasn't all that bad." Mr. Styles pouted, teasing his daughter.

"Daddy, yes you were." Penelope remarks, placing her hands on her hips.

"I was dying to see you all again, I wanted to be here by morning but I got caught up with things." Rosalie said. She had spent all of Saturday with her grandmother, helping her bake cookies and helped with cleaning out the garage that still held old junk.

Sunday she spent it with her friends shopping, going to eat and getting their nails done before Rosalie went back to her grandmothers to spend the last few hours with her before she came back.

"And you're home just in time." Mr. Styles says, placing his incredibly large hand on the small of her back, leading her and the baby in her arms to the kitchen where the table was set with food.

"You cooked?" Rosalie asked, her mouth agape, the food seeming too mouth watering. There's no way he cooked. When she looked around she saw a scrunched up brown paper bag with a restaurants name.

She decided not to say anything.

"Even the question's offensive. Of course I cooked. "Here, have a seat." He said, pulling out the chair for her.

She noticed he wasn't in his regular work suit, but rather in casual jeans and a button up shirt with only a few strands of hair being misplaced.

"I have to call in the kids first." She says and begins to stand up before Mr. Styles stopped her.

"They've already eaten." He said. "I just thought maybe you and I could have a quiet dinner, no kids, just us enjoying the company of each other."

Rosalie looked up at him, she was so curious as to why he was doing this. Sure they got along quite well a bit but it was nothing too extensive or unprofessional.

"Mr. Styles I—"

"Just call me Harry." He says. "We don't have to be so professional all the time love." He chuckled and popped open the wine.

Something about that word with his accent and low raspy voice made her stomach flutter with butterflies.

"Harry. I don't think this is a good idea." She said standing up with the baby on her hip. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea or vice versa.

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