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"Dog." I say, placing the card with the picture of a dog up to where Eric could see it. It was a Tuesday and I decided on taking the kids out of the house to a park so they could have fun.

Eric was on his stroller, holding an animal cracker on one hand and my keys on the other. "Mama." He says for what felt was the thousandth time making me sit back, defeated.

"You're going to have to say more than that one day." I say yet he paid no attention to me as he jingled the keys around, entertaining himself.

"Nanny!" I look up to see Penelope and Sophia running towards us. "Can we have some ice cream?" Penelope asks making me notice a man with a cart surrounded by other kids and their parents.

"Of course you can." I smile, reaching into my wallet to retrieve two dollars. Once I give it to them, they thank me before rubbing back.

I watch them exchange the money before they get their ice creams and go back to playing. Harry was off at work as usual. Every time I thought about him, the more I remembered my dream. I'm sure this man was aware of the effect he had on me.

Why did my boss have to be so hot?

And why did he have to have wonderful kids?

I sigh. "Mommy!" I heard Sophia shout making me stand up immediately to see her with a scared look on her face and when I looked down, Penelope was down on the floor.

I didn't think twice as I grabbed the stroller and rushed to where she was with other people starting to surround Penelope. "Penelope!" I panic, kneeling down and immediately picking her up in my arms.

"What's wrong with her, mommy?" Sophia asks.

"She's having an allergic reaction!" I say, watching as she gasped for air. Someone of the women were already on their phones calling for help.

Within a matter of moments, the ambulance arrives and as icy as I wanted to ride in the back with her, I had to take my car with Eric and Sophia.

I had already called Harry, telling him what had happened. I was basically speeding and when we arrived, I immediately saw them take Penelope inside on a stretcher making my heart drop.

They took her inside the ER and I had to wait outside with the kids. Thirty minutes later, Harry arrives with his jacket on his hand spotting me almost immediately.

There were tears in my eyes as he walked towards us making him kneel in front of me. "I'm so sorry." I cry making him shake his head.

"It's not your fault, Rosalie." He assures, caressing my hand. As soon as he says this, the doors open to reveal a doctor with a clipboard walking towards us.

"Are you Penelope Styles dad?" He asks.

"Yes, how is she?"

"She was lucky, her airways were beginning to close up any minute later and she wouldn't have made it." He says making my heart drop.

"Is she okay now, can we see her?" I ask making the doctor look to me.

"We're running some tests on her at the moment, but she should be free to go in an hour or so." The doctor says making relief wash over me.

Harry thanks the doctor as we both walk back to the waiting chairs. There's a moment of silence before I hide my face in my hands, feeling my tears pool in my hands.

"Hey, it's okay." Harry says making me shake my head.

"No it's not." I say. "Something serious could've actually happened to her." I sniff.

"It was just an allergic reaction, Rosalie. It was bound to happen sometime in her life, and I'm sure it won't be the last time." He assures.

"You should've seen her," I say just above a whisper. "She was gasping for air and she was limp, she was turning purple and I panicked." I cried before I felt Harry's arms on me, engulfing me in an embrace.

I cried on his chest while he rubbed my back, placing a kiss on my head. "It isn't your fault." He says again.

"Yes it is," I cry. "I should've been watching her."

"And there's no doubt in my mind that you weren't, okay? You just can't prevent these things from happening."

"Yes, I could've. I gave them the money to buy ice cream. I should've bought it for them." I say, burrowing my face on his neck.

He shakes his head. "She's okay, Rosalie. I don't want you to keep blaming yourself, you're an amazing nanny. If you weren't, I wouldn't keep you around." He says making me sigh.

"I'm sorry." I apologize making him hug me tighter. An hour later, she was free to go as the doctor had promised. She was highly medicated so she was still knocked out and Harry carried her from the bed as she remained sleeping.

The doctor gave us three epipens, in case it were to happen again. When we walked outside, it was dark and pouring. Harry had parked his car by the front entrance where we were able to get the kids in fast without having them get wet.

He opens the door to my side by I shake my head. "I came in my car." I say but he shakes his head.

"I'll come pick it up tomorrow, I don't want you driving alone in the rain." He says. I want to refuse, but I know he wouldn't let me, so I got in and allowed him to close the door behind me.

We drove in silence. The kids sound fully sleeping in the back as the only noise was the light AC drying my wet hair and skin.

I looked at the water run from the windshield and window, just wanting silence at that moment. I knew taking care of children wasn't an easy job, but I screwed up big time.

I felt Harry's hand lay on top of mine on my lap making me turn to him. "Don't beat yourself up, she's fine." He assures making me smile faintly.

I knew from this day on, as long as I was a part of their life I would protect them at all costs.

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