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I was currently on my last month of my pregnancy and I was beyond terrified. If I thought being pregnant was scary, being a few weeks from giving birth was even scarier. I had gone to my last doctors appointment and all we had to do was play the waiting game.

Fast forward to a week, I had been having painful contractions here and there before they got to the point where they were consecutive to one another, I had to keep reminding Harry that the baby wouldn't be due for another week but he drove me to the hospital anyway, and so here I was.

Laying in a cold room whilst Harry slept soundly on the small futon couch the room offered for him. It was currently Two in the morning and I had been watching a scary movie on the TV that was hanged on the wall.

I had eaten absolutely nothing but ice chips and I wanted nothing else than to get this thing over with so I could eat some food. The kids had been staying at my grandmas for about three days now, just so that whenever it was time, Harry didn't have to make two trips and risk missing the birth.

He had refused to sleep when we got here but work had been unkind to him all week that he was knocked out cold the moment his back hit the couch. I sigh, looking around the room bored before my eyes land on my purse, inside was a small half eaten bag of chocolate chip cookies that must've been there for a while now.

I bite the inside of my cheek, slowly reaching my hand out to grab it, and right as I'm about to, I feel warm wetness right below me making me look to see the bed was now soaked.

Did I just fucking pee myself?

"Ew," I groan, sitting up and turning to Harry who's mouth was slightly ajar. "Harry, psst." I say but I don't succeed as he remains unconscious. My hand goes to the empty pink cup on my bed and I throw it at him, hitting his thigh making him open his eyes.

"What is it? Are you okay?" He asks, standing up and putting his hand on my belly, he looked so concerned I was almost embarrassed to tell him I wet myself.

"I think I peed myself," I say through a hot face. "Can you help me up?"

"You what?" He scrunches his eyebrows and slightly looks at the wetness on the bed before his eyes go wide. "Babe, that's not pee, your water just broke."

"Oh." I manage to say, feeling even more embarrassed. "Now what?"

I hear Harry chuckle before he presses a button on the controller next to the bed that had a cross on it, probably used to call nurses in the room. After about two minutes, they come barging in with a single short knock.

Everything from there on was nothing but chaos. Harry's phone kept going off, people kept coming in and out of the room, I had a 6 inch needle stab me in the back, they gave me drugs due to my requests so I wouldn't be able to feel a thing and overall; I was still denied food.

Harry had to leave the room for the epidural, but he came back ten minutes later with Gemma, which if I wasn't so heavily sedated, I would've jumped and clapped with happiness. She quickly came to my side and held my hand, removing hair away from my face and giving me a bright smile.

"Rosie, how are you feeling?" Gemma asks, taking a seat on a chair beside my bed.

"You've been through this already, you know." I slur. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I had told Harry weeks before to tell me when you'd be in labor so I can come for moral support. My mum would've loved to have been here too but she isn't really a fan of flying." She explains and I nod, patting her hand.

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