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"So how's your business doing? Because I hear it's doing amazing on Gerald's part, which I have no doubt. But why don't you tell me, how's your branch?" Anne asks. We were at the home Harry grew up in which was very welcoming and big.

From what I've been listening to, Harry got his job passed on by his biological father who passed away a couple of years ago so he took it into his own hands, starting as a regular worker when his dad was still alive, up to his position as CEO when he passed.

"It's been great so far." He says, wiping his mouth with the napkin. We were currently having dinner after we got back from the hospital in which Gemma would be staying at for the next couple of days.

"That's good to hear. You know I don't associate myself with that whole business stuff since your father died." She chuckles before it's silent again, but she speaks up after a while. "So are you two dating?"

There it goes.

"Um -" I say nervously looking at Harry but he only looked at me while Anne looks at us both expectantly.

"For goodness sake." She says. "Are you or not?" Truth was, Harry and I never settled on a label. To be fair, we've never actually talked about it so I'm not sure how Harry feels on his part.

"The kids love her to death, she's amazing with them." He says avoiding the question but answering nonetheless.

"I noticed, they seem attached to you Rosalie, I know you've already grown on me." She gives a toothy smile making me laugh.

"Well I never really had a mother, it was always just my grandma and I but she showed me the unconditional love of a mother that I believe all children should have, and seeing as I love the kids it's only fitting." I say with a smile, catching Harry staring at me through my peripheral vision.

"I wouldn't have said it any better," Anne says to me before turning to Harry. "Please give me the good news that you've divorced that hag."

"Mum." Harry says sternly making Anne and I stifle our laughs. "She is the mother of your grandchildren." He points out.

"Oh it's about the only right thing she did and even then, I never liked her. Now, Rosalie I love. Don't mess it up, Harry." She says, winking at me while standing up and placing her plate in the sink.

"I won't." Harry says while holding my gaze.

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