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"We missed you, why did you go?" Penelope says from the back seat of the car. It was already twelve in the morning, way past the kids bedtime but we had just gotten back from the airport after we picked them up from Harry's mother's house.

Harry looks to me briefly before looking back to the road. "I had some things I had to do back home." I lie. "But I'm back now, and way past your bedtime so go back to sleep." I say with a smile making her nod before she drifts back to sleep.

"I've got to say," Harry starts, grabbing my hand in his, putting it up to his lips and pressing a kiss on my knuckles. "I'm so happy you decided to come back, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't."

"Probably would've gone back to ordering takeout and not brushing the girls hair." I mock making him roll his eyes with a small smile. "I've got too much pride to come back on my own, so it's a relief you came for me." I say. "A week later, but you did."

"I would've done it sooner but I told myself you would've hated me if I did." I'm about to answer him but as soon as we reach the street where he lives, flashing red and blue lights take our attention.

"What's going on?" I say. As soon as Harry parks, we grab the kids out of the car before we're approached by two police officers.

"Kids!" Renata says, coming out of the house with tears in her eyes making me look to Harry.

She didn't.

"Harry Styles?" One cop says, coming towards us. "You are under arrest for acclaimed kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney—"

Harry struggled to get out of the police man's grip while the girls cried but are held back by Renata. My heart was beating a thousand miles per hour out of my chest as I followed them to the police car where they put Harry in.

"Wait, you can't take him!" I say but I'm prevented to step closer. "He's innocent, they're his kids!"

"He took the children without the mother's knowledge, it's kidnapping. Please step away." The cop says making me run my free hand through my hair in frustration.

When I looked to Harry, his look of anger was far more scarier than the cops detaining him. His eyes focused on nothing else but Renata.

"You know I'll be out by tomorrow." He threatened. "And when I do, you'll be sorry if you're not out by then." He adds before turning to me. "Take care of them, please." Harry says before the cop gets into his car and drives away.

When I look back to Renata she's wiping the tears from her eyes, her face was no longer sad it was more pleased. "How can you do this?" I say, going towards her making her roll her eyes. "He's their father!"

"Kidnapping's a crime," she shrugs. "Did you know in most kidnapping cases the kids are usually kidnapped by a parent?"

"Really?" I glare. "Were you with a rich lawyer before you came back here?" Sophia grabs my hand.

"I'd watch who you're talking to," She smiles. "I'm assuming you don't know much about me."

"Well it isn't exactly a priority of his to talk about you." I bite back, pushing past her inside with the girls and Eric.

"Mommy?" Sophia speaks up, dragging me out of my thoughts. Sophia and Eric were currently in the bath while I brushed Penelope's hair.

"Yes?" I answer with a small smile.

"Is daddy a bad person?" She asks making my heart drop.

"No, baby. Of course he's not." I assure, standing up and grabbing the towel from the hook. I wrap her in it before doing the same with Eric. "He's just detained for now, I promise he'll be back tomorrow."

"She told us that only bad people go to jail and that daddy is one of them." Sophia says, only making my hatred for Renata stronger. How could she say this to her own children?

"Daddy's not a bad person, Sophie." Penelope turns around after she's done brushing her teeth. "Mommy said he'll be back tomorrow, if he was a bad person he would be there all his life."

"Let's not talk about this," I say, changing Sophia in her pj's. I grab Eric from his changing table. "Let's go get you girls tucked in."

Once they're in bed, I tuck them both in before kissing both their heads. I had already fed Eric his bottle so as soon as his head hit the pillow, he fell straight to sleep.

"Can you sleep with us tonight?" Penelope pleads making me smile and nod. They scoot, allowing me a space for me to curl on. After a while, they're knocked out and I am still awake.

I couldn't fall asleep, how could I? Harry and I just got back, hoping to get our lives back to how it was and now he's in jail because Renata wanted to act like a concerned mother just to get back at him.

I couldn't help but think how all this was my fault. If I hadn't had left, Harry wouldn't be in jail. Actually, if I hadn't emailed Renata to begin with none of this would've been happening.

I knew I had to fix this, I just didn't know how.

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