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"Mommy?" Sophia says once I help her on the bed. Penelope joins and grabs Sophia's teddy bear and hands it to her before laying down next to her.

"Yes?" I say, smiling softly at them. Penelope looks up at me with sad eyes.

"Are you going to leave us?" She asks making me sit on the edge of the bed.

"Why do you say that?" I ask, putting hair away from her face.

"Because she is back and daddy is angry." Penelope says while sitting up as well as Sophia. I look to both of them and the sleeping baby in the crib before looking back to them. "You're our mommy, and you can't leave us." She puts both hands on my cheeks, looking deeply into my eyes. "Promise?"

I wish I could promise them and give them that peace of mind, but as of how things are looking for me I don't expect to stay here and still have a job.

I kiss both of them on their foreheads and lay them back down. "It's way past your bedtime," I say, standing up and tucking them in. "I'll see you in the morning, okay?" And with that, I walk away towards the door.

"She didn't promise." I hear Sophia's tiny voice say just above a whisper.

"She would never leave us, Sophie." Penelope replies making tears pool at my eyes as I shut the door. I take a minute before I go downstairs, taking my time until I am outside Harry's office.

I take in breath before going inside. "Shut the door." He says from his chair making me obey. Things are quiet as I stay by the door. "When." Harry says after a while making me play with my necklace. "When did you send out that email?" I bite down on the inside of my cheek. "Was it after I told you why she left? After I confided in you for being a great help with the kids?"

I nod, swallowing back the lump in my throat. "I just didn't want to see Sophia having those nightmares," I admit. "I wanted to at least have her see them." I add.

Harry looks like he could explode any second. "But you do remember me telling you that I didn't want this to come up ever again to prevent it from becoming a problem, right?" He says and I nod.

"I didn't expect her to show up now," I say. "Not like this."

"I told you they didn't need her!" He raises his voice making me jump in the slightest. "You were out of line to do that, Rosalie." He narrowed his eyes at me in a way which made it seem like he hated me and to be honest, I wouldn't blame him.

"I'm sorry." I say and mean it.

"And just when things were actually going good," he says. "I don't know what to say, I can't believe you'd do exactly what I said not to."

"Are you going to fire me?" I say, tears swelling up in my eyes.

Harry grabs the bridge of his nose, I could tell there was so much he wanted to say to me but was holding back. "Fuck, Rosalie." He says. "The kids were finally happy!" He says rubbing a hand through his face. "I was finally happy. Happy to be with someone again, someone who I knew for a fact wasn't a self centered piece of shit."

A tear slips from my eye. "You have no idea how sorry I am." I cry. "I was doing it for them, before I knew the whole story between her and them or you. That's why I asked that time and you didn't really say a lot to me -"

"Yeah, but you knew enough Rosalie!" He says with a glare. "Maybe this was my fault," he adds making me look to him. "Maybe I shouldn't have mixed business with pleasure, obviously it never ends well."

"I said I'm sorry -"

"My problem isn't your sorry, Rosalie." He grits. "My problem is currently taking its place in my bed! Somewhere you and I should be in right now and not ever having this discussion." He says making me walk closer.

"If this wasn't happening and she still showed up," I say gathering the little courage I had in me. "Would you still had kissed her?" I ask making him stare at me.

"Are you kidding me?" He glares but I stand my ground.

"Answer the question." I say making him cross his arms. "You told me you hated her for everything she did and you still let her kiss you." He grabs the bridge of his nose.

"You're not seriously asking me this fucking question." He says. "If I did, what's it to you? You're just the nanny not my girlfriend!" He retorts, taking me aback though when he realized what he said his facial expressions softened. "Rosalie, that's not what I meant -"

He grabs my arm but I pull away. "I think it is." I say and back away. "I'm sorry about that email. I'll gather my things and be out by morning."

I leave his office, passing by his room where Renata was with a sly smirk before I closed the door to my room and broke down.

CEO's Nanny [h.s] AUWhere stories live. Discover now