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"Rosie," I hear Gemma say under her breath as I look at myself in the mirror, covered in white head to toe. I turn to her with a smile to see her dressed in a cream colored dress.

"Come zip me up?" I ask.

Gemma nods and helps me with my zipper. The day of Harry and I's wedding finally arrived and I couldn't stop smiling. I had been anticipating this day since we got engaged and it was finally here.

Harry let Gemma, Anne, my grandmother and I decide on the theme and everything else, on the condition that Harry would choose the place; and of course he chose Jamaica.

Where we got engaged, and also where Amara mistakenly got conceived.

It took a lot for Anne to agree to come that he had to fly to London, only to fly back to Seattle and then arrive in Jamaica with his mother, just to give her the piece of mind that everything was going to be fine.

He also flew out my grandmother which I was thankful for, I would not want her to miss my big day.

"So," I say, doing a little turn. "How do I look?" Anne and my grandmother were in the room and were now looking at me, their faces mirroring Gemma's.

"Beautiful." They almost say in unison. I had kept my hair simple, straight down although I was certain that with the wedding being on the beach it wouldn't have lasted two seconds with any other hairstyle. My makeup was simple and the dress was sleek and skin tight.

Just thinking about the kids outside in all white made me get emotional. This was actually happening, I love those kids with my entire soul and I was going to officially be their step mom.

There was a light knock on the door and Gemma opens it, revealing Liam in his navy blue suit. "Hi." He says nervously, a small smile as he walks in. "Sorry, Harry kept trying to come and see you but I told him that's bad luck, so now I'm here."

"That's okay," I give a small laugh. "What's going on?"

"Well, Harry and the guys were talking and he was worried that you didn't have anyone to walk you down and he was panicking cause he didn't want you to feel bad, so he said to come ask if you wanted me to walk you? I told him we don't really know each other that well, so if you don't feel comfortable—"

"Liam," I stop him from rambling. "I would like it if you walked me." I say, giving him a reassuring smile. If that's what Harry wanted, and plus I've met Liam three times before and I quite like him.

It looks like a weight is lifted off his shoulders before he grins and comes over to me, giving me his arm for me to hold on to. "You look gorgeous by the way." He says and I thank him before we all go out of the room.

The wedding was taking place on the beach, I had a perfect view from my window and everything looked beautiful. As Liam escorts me out into the beach, people look back at us. Gemma, Anne and my grandmother had already taken their seats at the front, the kids sitting beside them, Sophia and Penelope waving at me as soon as they saw me.

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