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guess who decided to make everything angsty (EDITED)


"Hey Seaweed brain", Percy looked at me. "Hm?" I looked around at all the beautiful architecture around us before looking back at him, trying to make it casual. "Are you and that girl dating?" His eyes widened in shock, he cleared his throat trying to gain his composure. "I really don't know." I nodded, looking away from him. 'Damn, that means he probably has feelings for her.' I looked back at him. "Are we still dating?" He looked at me, putting on his rare thinking face. "I don't know Annabeth." I nodded, not wanting to push the idea of us being together too much or else he might think I'm desperate and the last thing I need is for him to not like me because of my feminist side- "The bakeries here are honestly the best."

I looked at the bakeries surrounding us, they smelled heavenly, and I wanted to go inside and eat. I didn't say anything because I was still self conscious from that other praetor girl staring at me so intently.(lol its not gay i swear) She had beautiful brunette hair that I would die to have. Her chocolate brown eyes looked warm but cold at the same time and I was jealous immediately. Adding on she literally looked like a princess. We passed a long road with houses and fountains and Percy stared at the road with sadness. "You okay there seaweed brain?" He nodded nonchalantly and kept walking. That hoe Hera took it all away from me and now there's this princess chocolate beauty going after my Percy.

I was thinking about how to beat the princess when a loud alarm went off. The blaring sound was annoying so it snapped me out of my thoughts and Percy looked alarmed.(:DDDDDDD) He looked to a field and there were monsters littered across it. We both immediately rushed towards them without hesitation. Eventually more soldiers came and helped us. I slashed and sliced at every monster that came near me, effectively killing them with this madness. A big hellhound leaped on me from behind, and I fell forward. Grass went into my mouth and I got enraged. I struggled to turn around and dodged just in time as the big dog attempted to bite my head off.

This one was particularly big, so I knew I couldn't just use my mad frenzy move against him. His black skin gleamed in the sunlight, the fiery scarlett eyes filled with rage. He started growling and leaped at me. I sidestepped but one of his claws ripped a hole in my shirt. A small flesh wound was on my shoulder but I couldn't pay attention to it at the moment. He growled and I already knew he would leap at me. I sidestepped and spun as he leaped. I swung my knife to the side that I once was. I struck the big dog and the knife impaled into his side. I forgot to let go of the knife and the velocity of the hound flung me. I gripped the handle of my knife tighter as the dog collapsed onto the floor. A muscle definitely got pulled as I was basically flung along side with the dog.

Percy rushed over to me, fending off a dracaenae and rushing over to my aid. He chuckled slightly, looking at my arm. "Why didn't you let go?" He said softly. I shrugged but ended up hurting my shoulder again. "I don't know?" We both laughed and I looked up to see princess chocolate beauty in battle. Her spear plunged into a dracaenae's body. She was graceful and her moves were smooth as she killed monster after monster. Her eyes locked with mine and she didn't look away as she killed a hell hound without even looking. I gulped. 'How in tartarus am I supposed to compete with this girl!?' I forced myself to look away and noticed that all the monsters were gone.

"Medic!" Percy called over a team of campers, they had Apollo symbols on their matching white uniforms. On of them with a red bank around their arm came over to me first and inspected my arm. "Bloody hard of a pull huh?" I nodded, sheepishly smiling. "Broken wrist too, did you land on the ground hard?" I nodded. "Ambrosia and Nectar along with a cast and you'll be on your way luv." She snapped and one of her team brought over a bag of Ambrosia and a juicebox shaped Nectar container. I consumed it all because I was actually very bloody hungry.

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