Fading Away

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Keep voting! I am reading this fanfiction called "The Complicated Life of the Guardian of the Hunt" and can you guys do me a favor of telling the author to keep writing. I am from Canada and the United Kingdom and United states love me more. Feel the love Canada...

3rd person

Annabeth had a plan.

As a daughter of Athena she always had a plan. She was going to get Percy back.

Again. It was weird, breaking up with him twice then wanting him again but whatever.

But even her own mother is going against her, the goddess of wisdom. Annabeth wanted Percy.

Not Perseus, Percy. Perseus was taken by Artemis and he liked Percy's cool side.

She had been trying to trick Thalia into not liking Percy but it was no use.

All the hunters were fighting over Percy too, but Zoe had caught Percy's attention.

At night when she was stalking him, she saw him go into Zoe's tent.

She doesn't call it stalking, merely watching.

She needed to get Percy quick, or he might be taken.

Zoe POV (That night)

I was on my bed sharpening my arrows when I heard my tent flap open and somebody walk in.

It was a boy, I almost killed him by swinging my sword at him. He caught the blade. It was Percy.

I could tell because he was wearing a bright sea green.

"Perseus is not the only one who knows how to fight you know." I blushed and sat down again.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" "Us." "What do you mean."

"Would you like to go out with me?" "YES." I said it with such force that I was surprised myself.

He grinned and the rest was history. It was the best day of my life.

Artemis POV

I was happy and worried at the same time. Happy because I was dating Perseus, and worried because all the other girls were going after him.

At Olympus, Zeus called a meeting. I sighed and flashed there.

All the girls were fighting. Zeus threw his thunderbolt on the ground and everyone calmed down.

"I call this meeting because of Jackson." "Why?" Hera asked her husband.

"All of you are fighting over him and us gods get a TINY bit jealous so stop."

All the girls screamed at Zeus and he sighed and flashed away.

2 years later 3rd person

All the girls were still fighting over him. Percy and Zoe have still been dating until...

Hercules had gotten a break from standing at the border of Alaska. He decided to ruin Percy's life since he was part of the group that defeated him.

He was dating Zoe, how easy...

He went to camp halfblood and charmed Zoe easily, they were at a picnic at sunset.

Hercules kissed Zoe knowing that Percy was watching.

Percy stared at them. He looked at Zoe. Zoe quickly stood up, "It's not what it looks like Percy!"

"What do I do what do I do?" He thought. You see, Percy was never supposed to get betrayed, if he did, he would die.

"I really loved you Zoe, I really did. I don't see the stars, I see the dam clouds." He smiled before collapsing.

In the mind world of Percy/Perseus... Perseus POV

No no no, Percy was fading. Zoe did this to him.

"Perseus, can you do me some favors?" "Anything Perce, anything." "Forgive and forget, forgive Zoe."

I clenched my jaw and slowly nodded. "And Perseus, keep this for me, won't you?" He handed me his camp necklace.

"I'll see you again Perce, I'll see you again." "Then return it to me when I see you again." "This means a lot to me Perce."

"Me too, me too." He closed his eyes and he was gone.

In the real world 3rd person

It was raining. "Stop raining." Perseus said. Hercules snorted and stood up. "It's not going to stop raining for you, kelp boy."

"First, don't call me that. And second, watch me." As he said those words, The rain stopped.

"Um..." Hercules said, confused. Perseus's tears were falling. "Why is it still raining?"

"You're crying Perseus." He laughed bitterly," Funny, I've suffered more before. But I'm crying because I lost a part of me. Annabeth was like, 5%? Percy was 50%. I've lost half of me."

Zoe started crying. Hercules was still smirking. "What were his last words?" Hercules asked.

"Spare Zoe." Zoe started sobbing even harder. "And me right?" Hercules said, just a tad scared.

"No." Now he was scared. "But you can't kill me, I'm stronger than you." Perseus scoffed.

Then he disappeared in a swirl of shadows. "A coward like Percy?" Perseus appeared behind him.

"Take that back." "No." He beat the Tartarus out of him. "TAKE THAT BACK." "FINE! I take it back!" "TOO LATE." He kept beating him up.

Then shadows swirled around him and he sank into it forever. Perseus was staring at the ground.

Then Zeus and all the Olympians appeared. "HOW DARE YOU KILL MY SON!" "I didn't kill him." "Yes you did!" "I made him fade, you idiot."

"Why?" "He made Percy fade." "You're still here." "I'M PERSEUS YOU SON OF A MINOTAUR!"

"Well you will be executed!" A grin spread across his face. "I don't think so, Zeusie."

Well what do you think? VOTE AND REVIEW! Right now Pertemis is winning so badly it's funny compared to Percabeth.

Leave my oreos out of this,


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