Family Fighting

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Hermes POV

Being the god of travel, I was pretty fast. I WAS going to be the one who caught Percy and made Zeus proud, I just was.

Then I saw Percy. I chased after him.

He appeared behind me and put his knife at my throat, "Chase me if you can," he hissed into my ear.

What happened to him? I had to get him.

I ended up in a dark alley way. I walked the other way but there was solid wall. I tried to flash out but nothing worked.

"Little Hermes, little Hermes... Have you felt... pain before?" "Of course!" I answered. I was starting to get a little creeped out by Percy. Fine, a lot.

He laughed. HE LAUGHED. WHAT THE TARTARUS!? "Come out little Hermes, come out and play..."

I saw him walking around, I was behind him. "I'm not little!" I said as I lunged at him. He laughed again and grabbed me by the wrist. Then he snapped it.

It hurt like tartarus. (Instead of hell I'm going to use tartarus.)

Then he let go. He punched me in the face. I was on the ground when I heard him mutter, "Sorry 'bout this Hermes," Then he kicked me straight in the face and I blacked out.

3rd person

"Did anyone find Percy Jackson?" Zeus asked the council. "Yes, I did," Hermes said. "Well, where is he?" "He defeated me," Hermes bowed his head in shame. Zeus rubbed his temples.

"He is stronger than we thought, where do you thi-" The doors to Olympus opened, Percy Jackson walked in.

"Where do you think who is?" He grinned at Artemis, Artemis blushed.

"Sorry 'bout the kick Hermes, no hard feelings?" "Sure, whatever."

Zeus was mad, "Where were you!?" "Going around town." "Olympians, attack!" Zeus lunged at him.

Percy sidestepped easily and let him fall to the floor. "So much for being lord of the universe..."

Percy POV

I didn't feel like battling, so I would just turn them against each other. I winked at Aphrodite and Artemis lunged at her. "What was that Zeus? You plan to take over the seas after this?" Poseidon punched him in the stomach.

"Oh my god, Ares you think blood and gore is more important than strategy?" Athena tackled him.

Apollo! Why would you burn Hermes's flying shoes?" Hermes kicked him.

"Hera! How could you ruin all of Hephaestus's tools?" Hephaestus swung his arm at her head.

"Oh my god! Demeter, you plan to take over grapes?" Dionysus turned his head over. "You evil woman! I will not allow it!" "Did you just call me evil?!" She turned into wheatzilla and Dionysus paled in fear.

I walked out of Olympus in peace after all that.

Artemis POV

Percy winked at Aphrodite and I lost control, I lunged at her.

She screamed and I kept punching her until Zeus told us to stop. "Who cares? You are trying to take over my domain so take over this!" He slammed his fist into his chest.

Aphrodite slapped me. SHE SLAPPED ME. I lunged at her again. It was Chaos, Athena was pulling out diagrams for Ares, Demeter ate Dionysu- wait what?

Nevermind, Hephaestus was sending all his automations on crazy mode at Hera, Hermes was kicking Apollo at the speed of me defending my hunters from bad men, and trust me, that is VERY fast.

Zeus was literally drowning at all the water Poseidon was spraying at him. I was about to go help Zeus but Aphrodite grabbed my hair and pulled me down.

She was saying something about good shampoo before slapping me, and Demeter was saying something about cereal and doing wheat, not weed.

All I know is that this was one crazy family.

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