Betrayed And Changed

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Percy POV

I woke up to someone shaking me. It was Poseidon. "Hey da-" "Why did you do it? WHY?!" "What did I do?" "You know what you did Percy." He grabbed me and flashed us to Olympus. "What is this for?" "How could you kill Tyson?" "I didn't." Zeus spoke, "Perseus Jackson you have been accused of killing your brother and the punishment is tartarus. Who agrees?" Ares, Hephaestus, Poseidon, and Athena rose their hands. "And campers?" Everybody raised their hands except for my friends. I counted. Yes! They were the same! "Wait," Annabeth said. I thought she was going to defend me but she rose her hand.

I looked at her. Athena smiled with pride. Then a hole opened under me and I fell into Tartarus again, except this time, I was alone.

1 Year Later

3rd person

"Zeus, why have you called us here?" "I will tell you, but first bring the campers." All the campers came. "I have looked more into the case with the Percy Jackson and he is innocent. Another cyclops killed Tyson in the palace of Poseidon. All the gods/demigods that voted for Percy to go into Tartarus looked guilty. Annabeth fell on her knees. "Percy..." "Well send him back!" Artemis said. Zeus snapped his fingers and a figure was on the ground. Percy Jackson. He had no shirt, only pants. His body was marked with so many scars it looked like he was whipped every second of his life. That only made him more attracted. All the girls sighed. He got on his knees. "Son!" Poseidon broke the silence. Percy laughed so cold that everyone flinched. "I'm not your son." His left arm was carved with letters. It said "You trusted them and they betrayed you". The other side said "They never loved you". He got up. His eyes were red, they were beautiful yet dangerous. He stood up and somehow flashed away from Olympus.

Percy POV

I flashed to my cabin and collapsed on my bed. I felt at home and also felt like I was in an enemy base. After all, most of them wanted me to go to Tartarus. I felt inside my jeans, there was a picture of Annabeth. I got so mad that I ripped it to pieces threw each piece inside a fire, stomped on the ashes, wet them, buried them, and put it inside a hole. I got all my pictures of Annabeth and started a campfire. I threw one by one into the fire. Piper came. "Hey Percy, how you feeling?" "Ok," I lied. She sat next to me. "Percy, your eyes. They change, just like mine!" "Yeah." She picked up some pictures and threw it into the fire. She put her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her. We sat there throwing pictures of Annabeth into the fire. Clarisse came over to us. "Come on lovebirds! We are getting attacked!" She ran off. I had to go. A bunch of monsters.

Piper POV

My gods Percy was hot. Now he had to go battle. "Stay out of this," He said to the campers. They nodded and backed up. His pupils turned golden. Then he let out a laugh that was totally not him. "Percy Jackson we are taking you back to Tartarus because lord Kronos likes torturing you." Oh my gods, he was tortured by Kronos himself? He laughed again. Then a quarter of the monsters turned into golden dust. "I could do the same but I want to kill you all with Riptide." He was here and then suddenly he was over there killing monsters with a maniacal smile that made all the monsters cower in fear. He killed about 100 monsters in 10 seconds. "Percy, how did you do that?" His eyes went to green. "I've changed."

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