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Author's Note-- 180 reads already?! That's amazing! Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this book, I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I wrote it just for you guys.

       A knock at my door made me drag myself lazily towards the living room, patting down my hair so it wouldn't look like a complete mess. As I began to open the door, I realized that I am supposed to go out to breakfast with Usnavi today. Crap.

       By the time I realized that, it was too late. The door was wide open. Usnavi rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down at the floor bashfully. "You forgot didn't you?"

       "No, it's just that I'm running late." He raised his eyebrow at me. "Yeah, I forgot. I'm sorry. Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready, ok?"

       "It's fine, you probably would want to go with me anyways." I frowned at his statement and pulled him into the apartment--I shut the door. The cheap sofa sagged down as I sat Usnavi there and walked towards my room.

       I looked back at him once and stopped. "Don't. Go. Anywhere. Understood?" Usnavi nodded. "Good."

       I quickly changed into my clothes

       I quickly changed into my clothes

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And placed my hair in a braid. I speed walked into the living room and lifted Usnavi off the sofa, blushing when I realized my eyes were staring straight at his lips. He didn't seem to notice that I was staring at them (of course he didn't), so I don't feel as embarrassed as I would if he had noticed.

       I stepped away from him and smiled. "You ready to go?"

       "Y-Yeah," He took a deep, meaningful breath before extending his hand for me to take it. Wow. He finally did sonething. I gladly grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers with his, the 'me' in my mind dancing like an idiot. Usnavi blushed when he saw that I had accepted his hand holding request. The bright glimmer in his eyes appeared, his dorky smile widening.

       Usnavi led me into a small diner. Sure, it was tiny and quite vacant, but the smell was sweet and welcoming--something home smells like. He pulled out the chair for me--like a gentleman--and sat down on the chair across mine, grinning when he sat down. A petite, brunette woman approached us, notepad and pencil ready for us to order. "Are you ready or do you need more time?"

       "No, we're ready." I told the waitress. Usnavi glanced at me in a nervous way, his hand clutching the corner of the table to the point where his knuckles paled. I looked away from him and looked at the waitress. "Do you have any type of cake?"

       "Yes," she raised her eyebrows at me and nodded, "Yes we do. What kind?"

       "One carrot and one red velvet." I said, my eyes scanning over the menu to make sure they had the flavors I chose. The waitress smiled at us kindly before taking the menus and walking behind the counter.

       My hand trailed over the table and onto Usnavi's, giving it a tight sqeeze. "Are you alright?"

       "Yeah, yeah. My head hurts a bit, but that's all." He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "Prob'ly 'cause of the shots I took last night."

       I 'mhmm'ed him, my thumb moving circles over the back of his hand--his skin felt smooth against mine. I wonder if his lips are this smooth. Do they part slightly to catch air before returning to the mosh of kissing? Or do they move just delicately enough for you to taste them, feel them rub against your lips in a loving manner?

       Usnavi chuckled. "Why are you staring at my lips?" A faded tinge of pink spread across his features.

       I smiled at him, ready to say something, but the waitress interrupted me. "One carrot cake for the Mr. and a red velvet cake for the Mrs." She sighed and clapped her hands together. "You two are so cute. I wish I had a relationship ship like this."

       Usnavi turned beet red, his eyes looking at me for support. I merely smiled at him and brushed my fingertips over his.


       We ended up taking the cakes in a to-go box, for Usnavi's headache increased in intensity.

       It got to the point where he had to lean on me to keep himself from falling. Everything bright seemed to have a negative impact on his brown orbs.

       We were only a few paces away from his house when he stumbled and his legs gave away. My arms struggled to lift him off the floor. "Usnavi, are you alright? C'mon 'Snavi, only a few more steps and we're at your house. C'mon." I rested his arm around my neck and walked towards the steps of his home. My hands fumbled with the keys he weakly handed me, unlocking the door and stepping inside; Usnavi squeezed my arm.

       I sheepishly led him into his room and layed him down, taking his hat and button down off--only his undershirt kept his chest from bareness. My legs took me from his room into the kitchen; I seeped a clean rag into warm water and headed towards his room again.

       I watched as the cloth layed over his forehead, Usnavi's expression turning a bit calmer. A slight smile appeared on his lips. Those lips. The ones that I almost kissed last night and the ones I couldn't seem to divert my eyes from an hour ago.

       A dry chuckle reached my ears. "Why are you staring at my lips?"

      I smiled at Usnavi, rubbing the wet cloth over his forehead. "Are you feeling ok? You hungry? The cake's in the kitchen."

       He shakily sat up and nodded his head. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing the to-go boxes and taking them to Usnavi's room. He grinned in a dorky manner when I sat down next to him and opened the box holding his carrot cake.

       Usnavi took a spoonful of the desert, trapping it in his mouth. I giggled and did the same; he looked at me with pouty lips. "You wanna give me some of your cake?"

       I took a piece of cake and smudged it all over his face--a mischievous grin appeared on his face. He grabbed half of his cake, covering most of my face in it.

       I growled playfully and stood up when he did, handful of cake ready to fire. "We're gonna make a huge mess, Usnavi. You're gonna clean it up."

       "Nuh-uh." He whined. "Whoever gets the most vase on their face has to clean up the mess in this room."

       "You're on."

De Todas Las Cosas Buenas: Usnavi X Mexican-American!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now