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May 22, 2015

The nine-year old next to me fiddled with the white dress hidden under the transparent protecter laid on the twin sized bed, the delicate fabric running through her slim fingers like water. Her large green eyes looked up at me as they began to gloss with tears. She ran into my arms, her sobs filling the room. "A-Auntie Y/N, d-do you h-ha-have to g-g-go?"

      "Rosie, I'm not going anywhere." My fingers rubbed the roots of her hair. "I'm just not gonna live with you and your mommy anymore."

       My niece's bottom lip trembled with greater vigor, a louder sob escaping her lips. Tears adorned my e/c hues as she cried into my shirt. "I-I don't w-want you t-to le-lea-leave."

       "You're gonna see me everyday, I promise."

       Rosie rubbed her red, puffy eyes. "H-How?"

       "I'm gonna visit you everyday. I'll be there with you whenever you need me. I'm not going far, my new home is just across the street from here."

       Such a heartbreaking moment it is to see someone you've known for almost a decade cry when you have to leave. Especially when it's a young child. They don't know the difference between seeing you everyday and seeing you a couple hours—they expect you to be there from the time they wake up to the point where their eyes flitter shut at night. The truth is, I can't be there for Rosie that long; I'll have things to do, stuff that need tending, I just can't always have her glued to my side like she used to.

       After a couple minutes, Rosie's cries minimized, her breathing regulating to a sleeping sound. It was a bit of a hassle to lift her from the ground and into her bed, but I managed to do so. A small 'goodbye' left my lips as I planted a kiss on her tear-stained cheek. I reluctantly walked out of her room and towards the living room, where F/N was waiting for me.

       My eyes teared up again when I saw the expression on her face. She let out a tiny 'oh, Y/N' before running towards me and engulfing me in her arms. We cried into each other's shoulders, letting everything out in the few minutes we were together. F/N held my hands the way she used to when we were in middle school. "I'm gonna miss you so much. But, hey, it'll all be fine again in three days." A weak smile found its way onto her face. "You've done it, Y/N. The dream I could only wish would come true."

       "You're gonna find it someday, alright?" I pressed my thumbs against her cheeks as I held her face in my hands. "And it's gonna be the best thing that has ever happened to you. After Rosie, of course."

       F/N let out a breathy chuckle. "Good luck, best friend. See you in three days?"

       "Mhmm. God, I'm gonna miss you."

       "I'll miss you too, but you and I are gonna see each other everyday after the event, right?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

       I giggled. "Yup."

       "It's happening, Y/N."

       My eyes darted down to the piece of jewelry that had been placed on my finger a year ago. The diamond on it reflected gorgeously against the sun—the ring glistened. I had done it.

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