Sonny and Rosie

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A/N– Before this starts, I'd like to thank all of you for supporting and loving this book. I kinda have to promote the new book I have called "I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up to No Good." It is an OC book, and if you like Harry Potter and the Marauders era, then I think you'll like this book. I co-write it with my friend _Angelica_Schuyler_ I'd appreciate it if you guys went and checked it out. I hope you enjoy this little chapter I wrote up for you guys because I saw all of the comments about Rosie and Sonny's platonic relationship. I hope you enjoy :)

• Sonny would always save some of the money he earned from working at the bodega to buy Rosie piraguas

• When Rosie was bummed out about Y/N and Usnavi's wedding, Sonny bought her three chocolate boxes with dad jokes to cheer her up. One joke for every day for three weeks

• F/N name started dating this one guy and he seemed like he was the one

• Everyone was excited

• Except Rosie

• She just lost Y/N to Usnavi and now she was losing her mom to some guy

• It was bullshit, but Sonny assured her that it was gonna be ok

• At 14, Rosie got her first boyfriend and Sonny threatened to beat the guy up if he ever hurt her

• Sonny didn't have a good feeling about this guy and he and Rosie got into a huge argument about it

• During the argument, Sonny let it slip that he loved Rosie like the sister he never had

• "Why can't you let me be happy!?"

• "Because I can't have my little sister getting hurt over some douche!"

• Usnavi had to hold him back from beating up said guy when he ultimately broke up with Rosie

• Lots or crying and comforting

• They're always there for each other (especially when there are more hijos de su chingada madre chasing after Sonny's best girl)

• Sonny eventually finds a girlfriend

• Rosie pesters him about when she's gonna have nieces and nephews to take care of

• But she asks in front of the girlfriend

• Sonny blushes

• The day before Rosie turned 24, F/N was found with bruises all over her body and a sever wound in the head area

• F/N was pronounced dead the next day

• Sonny didn't know how to deal with this

• I mean, her mom died on her birthday

• Y/N was devastated and stayed holed up in her room for months

• She would only let Rosie into the room with her

• It was later found out that the guy F/N had been with for a little over ten years had done this

• Rosie cried all night in anger when he got off with only 20 years in prison

• Sonny told her that 20 years was a lot of time for a man that was almost 50

• He still had to spend most of his nights cuddling his little sister

• Sonny got married when Rosie was 29

• She was his best man

• Rosie started dating James around the time she was 27 years old

• He was David's professor in medical school

• (he was hot)

• At 30 years of age, Rosie and James got married

• Sonny walked her down the aisle

• The marriage was Sonny approved

• His early wedding gift for Rosie was a gift card to a piragua store and a peculiar small box

• When she opened it, she found a pregnancy test

• It was positive

• Sonny held his wife's hand

• "I'm pregnant, Rosie"

• That was one of the best days ever

• When Rosie was 35, Y/N was diagnosed with cancer

• Her world came crumbling down

• How could she lose another mother?

• She wouldn't be able to bear it

• She would spend hours at a time trying to help David with the paperwork and research for Y/N's chemo sessions

• It wasn't getting better

• And it only got worse

• At 36, they diagnosed Usnavi

• Rosie and Sonny spent one day away from the city and held each other close

• They were losing the family they had

• It was sad and a crude thing to think about, but it was true

• The cancer has advanced too far for Y/N and Usnavi to beat

• At 37, the doctors brought in all of the family to say goodbye to Y/N and Usnavi

• It was painful

• Sonny almost didn't show up, but he knew he had to see his cousin one last time

• Y/N and Usnavi were pronounced dead that afternoon

• All Rosie had was her brother and all Sonny had was his sister

• It seemed that way for a very long time

• Rosie gave birth to twin girls when she was 38

• She named them Y/N and F/N

• Rosie and Sonny walked through 183rd street one day

• Sonny stopped suddenly and grabbed Rosie's hand

• "You will always hold a special place in my heart"

• "You were the little girl that I looked after for so long, and I'm glad that I got to spend so many years of my life calling you my sister"

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