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       The hues hidden behind my eyelids moved around, causing the curtain that covered it to fluttered open. The particles of sun flew onto the bedsheets o- these are not my bedsheets. Oh crap, what did I do?

       A shock of pain coursed up my spine, the sensation leading up to my brain. "Agh." The locks of h/c on my head moved swiftly through my fingers as I rubbed my scalp. What the hell happened?

       Footsteps that appeared a few seconds ago neared me; anxious thoughts surrounded my head. Who the hell is that? What the hell did I do? Will every one of my questions have the word 'hell' in it? Hell yes.

       The doorknob rattled a bit before the door swung open. Usnavi stepped into the room, scratching the back of his neck when he entered. "G-Good morning."

       "Thank God, it's you." I let go of the pillow that I had unknowingly clutched. And then my mind clicked. Now, it wasn't an idea type of click, it was the type that said 'you idiot.' My eyes widened. "U-Usnavi?"


       I gulped. "D-Did we.......you know?"

       "No, no, no!" The Dominican began to freak out, running his fingers through his hair. "I-I wouldn't do that with you if you were drunk."

       "So you would do it with me if I was sober?"

       "No, no! Th-That's not what I m-meant. I would only do it if you were completely aware and conscious of it!" I raised my eyebrows. "No! Wait! Not like that! I ju-"

       I cut him off. "Yo, Usnavi, it's fine. I know what you mean."

       Usnavi sighed, mumbling a small 'I'm such a dork' and sitting down on the edge of the bed.

       I bit my lip and contemplated whether or not I should do it. Maybe I should. Or maybe this is just stupid. Oh well, what's life if you don't do something stupid? The bed creaked as I leaned across the large pillow, holding onto Usnavi's shoulders and pulling him towards me. This resulted in a Dominican sitting next to me while I rested my head on his shoulder. My eyes traveled from the clothes Usnavi's wearing to the ones I'm wearing. Oh, look at that, I'm wearing Usnavi's shirt and what I assume are Usnavi's sweatpants. "'Snavi?"

      "Mhmm?" He looked at me with tinged cheeks--he's probably flustered like he always is.

       "What happened last night?"

       "Well," He started, "First, you got really drunk, so I brought you here. Then you started to compliment me; we talked for a while, and when I tried to take you to your apartment you walked into my room, changed into my clothes, and fell asleep."

       I gaped at Usnavi. "I caused that much trouble in one day?"

       "Actually, it was only three hours, so......."



       I stepped into the oh-so-familiar bodega, the natural smell of canned foods, packed items, and lottery tickets buzzing in the room. I approached Usnavi. "Hey."

       He looked over to me from the coffee he was brewing and began to blush deeply. He basically jumped over the counter, taking my hands in his. "A-Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see."

       "Now, who taught you that one?" I giggled.

      "Y-You did. You asked me if I was from Tennessee and then I said I'mfromtheDominicanRepublic." He mumbled.

       "What? Pronunciate, I can't hear."

       "I completely shut you down. At least, that's what Sonny said." He let go of my left hand to scratch the back of his head.

       I turned tomato red, my e/c eyes glancing at the floor. "I pulled that cheesy pick-up-line on you?" Usnavi nodded bashfully. I don't understand why he's ashamed, I'm the one that made a complete fool out of myself while I was drunk.

       "Anywho." Usnavi grabbed a cup of hot coffee and handed it to me. "Coffee?"

       "I'm assuming you're not gonna let me pay for it."

       "Nope. It's on the house."

       I groaned at Usnavi, a frown playing at my lips. "You could lose business if you keep giving me free coffees."

       "I'm willing to risk that."

       "And the residents of Washington Heights will feel discriminated against if they find out your giving me free cafes."

       "Hey, nobody needs to know." I giggled at the the Dominican man, taking a sip of my coffee.

       My legs swung back and forth as I sat down on the sturdy counter. Usnavi, on the other hand, was cleaning the shelves and throwing out the built up trash. "Usnavi, take a break."

       "I can't." Came the muffled voice of Usnavi, who is in the other room. "There's so many things I have to do!" He stepped towards the container next to me--the chocolates in his hand were placed neatly on display.

       "Then let me help!" My hands clutched onto the box of chocolates in an attempt to assist Usnavi.

       He shook his head. "No, you don't work here, therefore you don't have to go through this."

       I pulled on the box. "Give me the box, Usnavi."

       "Y/N, you don't have to."

       "But I want to."






       "Just give me the damn box!" I tugged on the box, bringing a flustered Usnavi closer to me.

       My eyes flickered down to his lips--mine parted slightly. He placed his hands on either side of me, staining the glass counter with fingerprints. A wash of--I don't know what--collided with Usnavi's usual look: the bashful one. The familiar expression went away replaced with one slightly bolder. Usnavi's hands trailed from the counter up to my waist, one of them going slightly higher to support my neck.

       He looked at my lips before rubbing circles on the small of my back, the skin covered by a thin black shirt. A shred of courage blinked over Usnavi's face as he pressed my body against his, our faces millimeters apart. His lips brushed against mine; they separated slowly. I felt his warm breath on mine before our lips met in the crossroad of shock and longliness.

       Usnavi's hands moved up and down my sides, his lips working against mine. He pushed himself flush to me after a brief moment of bravery entered his system. My hands trailed up his arms and towards his face; I tangled my fingers in his dark brown hair while my free hand pressed his lips vigorously on mine.


       The Dominican kept his mouth on mine.



       We kissed with more pressure and passion.



       The sound of money being passed around interrupted our session. We looked towards the front of the bodega, Benny, Sonny, Nina, F/N and Rosie gaped at us, a ten dollars bill in Benny's hand. He leaned towards Nina and nudged her shoulder. "I bet you they were getting ready to make Usnavi Jr."

De Todas Las Cosas Buenas: Usnavi X Mexican-American!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now