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                             Five Weeks Later

"So, Benny and Nina have a thing going on." I questioned. Usnavi hummed in response as he helped me unpack the gallons of milk that had arrived. The boxes are pretty heavy, but I volunteered to help him with the bodega, so now it's my responsibility finish the job. "I mean, it's kinda obvious, but I assumed that they were just really close friends."

Usnavi raised his eyebrows at me. "Y/N, you caught them making out in a secluded corner last week. How did you not come to the conclusion that they were together?"

I frowned at him and continued to place the gallons into the refrigerators, wiping off a bit of the fog that had built up on the glass doors. For the middle of summer in Washington Heights, the bodega has a very nice temperature. I wonder how Usnavi manages to keep his refrigerated goods from spoiling when I can barely leave an orange on the counter without it rotting the next day.

I picked up the empty boxes and headed towards the back room of the bodega, where Usnavi keeps a blue container for recyclable items; the carton containers made a loud sound as they fell into el bote azul. My h/c hair—which is in a ponytail right now— followed me as I walked back towards the main room, grabbing a wet rag and wiping the particles of dust that had built up on the counter. Usnavi walked towards me and smiled. "You know, if you ever need a weekend job, you can always ask me. You're doing very well in helping me with the bodega."

       "I'll take it into consideration." I winked at him, causing a faded tinge of pink to spread on his tan skin. He rubbed the back of neck and struggled to get some words out, stuttering in the process. His mouth couldn't manage to cooperate with his brain. I giggled as I grabbed his hand and gave it a small squeeze. "Tell me."

       "I-I would like to ask you if, well," Usnavi looked at the floor and sighed, "Can you help me unpack the candy bars too?" I nodded and smiled half-heartedly at him. Being completely honest, I was expecting a different response. Half of me was happy that he finally said some words, but the other half was disappointed that he didn't ask me to stay with him a little longer or even request a first date. I guess my hopes have been crushed.

       We lifted the boxes of candy and organized them under the counter, placing them neatly. I would have put the, in alphabetical order, but Usnavi seemed to have a certain way of displaying the candies, so my plan didn't go through.

                                   Three Weeks Later; July 3, 2010

       I seem to be growing on the friendly residents of Washington Heights. Sure, at first they were obviously skeptical about me and F/N and Rosie living in the neighborhood, but I think that we've finally made amends. Today at the salon, Nina invited me, F/N and Rosie to a dinner party she's having. If that doesn't say 'we don't hate you anymore', then I don't know what does.

       "F/N," I called, "I'm home!" The titter tatter of small feet filled the room, a pair of green eyes darting across the room in search for me.

       Rosie's toothy grin reached my field of view as she ran towards me, giggling. "Auntie Y/N!"

       "Mi rosa preciosa!" [My precious rose] I lifted Rosie off the floor and spun her around, handing her a candy bar specifically selected by the owner of the bodega. "Usnavi told me to give you this—he said that it's the greatest candy there is for the greatest little girl he's ever met."

       The toddler looked at me with joyful eyes as she told me to tell Usnavi that she said 'thank you.' F/N walked into the living room, her hair showing that she had just woken up. "Put the child down *yawn* and go ask Usnavi out on a date. Rosie and I will be very happy if you do. Oh, and go buy me a Pepsi while you're at it. Thanks!"

De Todas Las Cosas Buenas: Usnavi X Mexican-American!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now