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       Sweat began to form on my arms, neck and legs as Usnavi spun me around the dance floor, the couples around us doing the same. He seemed to have calmed down on his anxiousness, for his actions were less shaky than usual. In fact, he appeared quite confident in every movement he made; whether it was twirl me around, press my body flush to his, or rest his forehead against mine as we swayed our bodies to the beat of the song blasting through the speakers.

       The lights flashed bright colors onto our surroundings, the beat of the song matching the rate of our hearts. Usnavi looked around the club. "Damn."


       Usnavi glanced at me and spun me around, clutching my body as if he was afraid to let go. "I-I- You look great tonight."

       "Thanks, Usnavi." I smiled sweetly at him. "You look rather dashing yourself."

       A dark shade of red tinged Usnavi's cheeks, his eyes growing wide at the compliment.

       I giggled at his reaction and pulled him closer to me--my hair stuck profoundly onto my neck. I think it's time we went home. Or maybe a few more cold, sweet drinks will drop my body temperature. My feet slid slightly in my heels as I led my date towards the bar. The bartender swung a cliché, white towel over his shoulder. "What would the gorgeous young lady like?"

       "A peach and lime daiquiri."

       "Y el señor?"

       Usnavi shook his head. "I don't want anything, thank you."

       The bartender nodded and walked off to get us our drinks. Although I'm still slightly tipsy from my previous alcoholic beverages, I'm pretty sure I can hold off until we have to leave. What would Rosie say when she sees me arrive? Drunk off my ass and h/c locks sprouting out of the hairstyle I had it earlier. Eh, a couple more drinks won't hurt.

       The bartender returned with my daiquiri. "A peach and lime daiquiri for the lady." He slid the drunk towards me, a small amount of the beverage jumping out of the decorated glass.

       The cold liquid flowed into my mouth and down my throat; I swallowed. Want to know what happened? Drink after drink is what happened. My esophagus gradually increased in raspiness to more alcoholic beverages I downed. The world around me began to spin.

       My brain began to whisper things into my ear, some of them sounding dangerous, but others sounding quite fun. 'Take off your shoes.'

       "Usnavi." I called, leaning on his shoulder for support as I unbuckled my shoes and slipped them off.

       The Dominican chuckled. "What are you doing?"

       "My brain told me to do it," I explained, speech very much slurred, "And my brain is always right."

       "What else does your brain tell you to do?" Usnavi glanced at me. His hand held onto my arm when I began to loose my balance.

       "Well, it said to do something......."

       He knitted his eyebrows at me, a sense of concern washing away his humorous expression. "What did it say, Y/N?"

       "It's really funny," I giggled. Usnavi's eyebrows raised themselves, "Really! It is!" He motioned for me to continue. "Oh, right! It told me to grab your collar super tightly-" I clutched onto his shirt. "-then, slowly pull you closer to me-" My hands tugged on Usnavi's button-down, brining him closer. "-and then-" kiss him. My brain told me to kiss him. At this point, he's mere millimeters away from my lips. "-ask you if you wanna go on another date."

       Usnavi nodded his head, his mind and face still recovering from the proximity of our lips. He took my hand from my side and bashfully kissed the top of it. "We need to get you home."

De Todas Las Cosas Buenas: Usnavi X Mexican-American!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now