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My fingers played with the fabric of the white skirt wrapped around my lower-half, the black top covering my chest area blending in the waist area with the skirt. H/C locks cascaded down my back—I curled the tips a bit for a little more.......well.......more. The black heels adorning my feet clicked against the tiled floor in the living room as I paced left and right, wondering when Usnavi would get here.

       F/N groaned at my pacing. "Relax, he'll be here any minute now." I watched as she cooed at Rosie; the green eyed toddler giggled. My brain tried to stop sending movement signals to my body, but the bones and muscles that helped me stand said 'f you, we can do whatever we want' and kept moving.

       Every white noise I heard made me jump—eventually, anxiousness killed me. My nails became chipped from the many times I bit them, the heels on my shoes began to dig into the palm of my feet, and my hair slowly tangled itself, strands of it popping out of the beautiful combing I did.

       Rosie jumped off her mom's lap and galloped towards me; her golden brown hair trailed behind her like a tail. "Auntie Y/N, don't be nervous, 'Snavi will come soon." She squeaked. I lifted the little girl off the cold floor, spinning her in my arms in an attempt to get a comforting noise from her. Rosie squealed—I placed her on the floor again.

       "Listen, Y/N," Started F/N, "Usnavi is gonna knock on that door any second now, you two are gonna go to the club, have a good time, and then sprint over to Usnavi's bedroom and then make a cousin for little Rosie, over there." She motioned to the girl who was currently messing with the shaped boxes. "She's lonely, c'mon, make her a friend. Rosie, do you want a cousin?"

       Rosie looked up at her mother, eyes wide in joy. "Yeah! Then we can play Babbie." She can't pronounce r's very well. F/N raised her light eyebrows at me as if saying 'you should definitely fuck Usnavi.'

       I rolled my eyes, continuing my pace from one wall to another. Anxiety surged through me as I checked the time. 5:56. Usnavi should have been here six minutes ago. Maybe he forgot? Just like I did when we were meant to go to breakfast. Maybe he doesn't want to see me anymore? Understandable, I wouldn't want to see me either. What i-




       "I got it!" My hand extended itself as far as it could, my wrist twisting the doorknob before my body could get to the door. Usnavi stood with a white rose in his hand—his face was red and a goofy smile adorned his lips.

       He handed me the flower. "I'm sorry I'm late, I was getting you this rose."

       I muttered a small 'thank you', kissing his red tinged cheek before walking inside to add the flower to the ones Usnavi brought me on our first date. Rosie and F/N listened attentively (well, at least Rosie was) as I told them to behave and stay safe until I got back, my legs halfway out the door already. My hands interlocked with Usnavi's. "Ready to go?" He nodded his head.


       The colorful lights flashed on our faces, couples dancing wildly on the dance floor. Luckily for me, a man didn't try to take me away from my date this time. Instead, me and Usnavi sat at the bar, ordering rounds upon rounds of tequila shots. The sour substance scorched my throat as I swallowed it—why do people torture themselves like this? This stuff burns!

       Usnavi sat on the stool next to me with an uncertain expression on his face. "Are you sure you should be drinking this much?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him, squinting my eyes in drunk-confusion.

       "I think so."I threw my head back as I downed another tequila shot. One after another, after another. That's how most of my time went. Once I was fully drunk, I dragged my date over to the dance floor, dancing with him like I normally would, but a tad bit tipsy. At times I would trip on my feet, but Usnavi was always there to hold onto my arms to prevent me from falling.

       I eventually got used to dancing while my brain did acrobatics and my stomach ran laps around Asia. Sure, there were times when I stumbled, tripped, or nearly kissed the ground; Usnavi was there to help me for all of them. A groan escaped my slightly parted lips. "You probably think I'm an annoying drunk."

       The Dominican shook his head frantically. "No, no, not at all. In fact, you are quite the sight cuando estas borracha." I raised my eyebrows. "No! Not like that! I mean, you look pretty when you're drunk! Wait, eso tampoco- crap!" I giggled; Usnavi looked up at me and smiled, awestruck. "You're probably not going to remember this, so I might as well say it—you have the cutest laugh I have ever heard. Y tu boca fits that wonderful sound that escapes it. Amazingly beautiful features for una mujer hermosa." [And your mouth.........a beautiful woman]

       "Hey Usnavi."

       "Yes?" I grabbed the sides of his face, planting my lips on his cheek.

       "You talk nice." I whispered as I pulled away from the kiss I gave him. Apparently, the kiss lasted a good amount of time since Usnavi had enough of it to figure out what he was gonna do with his hands and whether or not he was gonna place them on my waist—his fingers traced circles on the small of my back. Of course, when I looked into his eyes his hands snapped to his sides and his cheeks faded into a light red color.

       He grabbed my hand with the slimmest shred of confidence he could find in himself. "Do you wanna go home?"

       I shook my head, h/c hair flailing everywhere. "Let's dance!"

       Usnavi groaned playfully, but was (so far) agreeing with me. I placed his hands on my waist and trailed my hands up his arms and around his neck; he blushed. Dancing without him getting flustered is going to be very tough. It's in his nature to be nervous, for some reason. Understandable.

De Todas Las Cosas Buenas: Usnavi X Mexican-American!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now