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       The packing tape stuck onto my delicate fingertips as I closed off the second-to-last box in my room. I guess it isn't my room anymore. F/N didn't pay the rent for the upcoming month, so there should be a notice that says 'pay your fucking rent' coming in soon.

       F/N and Rosie went downtown to the grocery store to buy on-the-road snacks, for we will drive to J.F.K Airport and take the plane that we have yet to buy tickets for. But then again, we don't leave until next week, so we still have time.

       The doorbell rang. Did F/N forget the keys again? I dragged myself towards the door, sighing in exasperation. "I told you to write on your forehead 'don't forget the keys', and what do you do? You forget the damn keys!" I swing open the door, revealing a drunk man. His disheveled, dark brown hair covered most of his face and his void-like eyes looked up at me with an addicting glare. "U-Usnavi, leave. I do-"

       "Ay, padrita mia, guardate la poesia. Guardate la allegria pa' ti." [Oh, baby girl, save your poetry. Save your joy for yourself]

       He stepped towards me, backing me further into my apartment. I groaned. "Look, Usnavi, no pido que todos los dias sean de sol. No pido que todos los Viernes sean de fiesta. Tampoco te pido que vengas rogando perdon si lloras con los ojos secos. Y hablando de ella." [I don't ask that everyday should be sunny. I don't ask that there'd be a party every Friday. I also don't ask that you'd come begging forgiveness if your crying with dry eyes. And speaking of her.] I walked into my room, hoping to lose him while I avoided getting close to his alcoholic aroma. "Ay, amor, me duele tanto. Me duele tanto. That you would do something like that to me. Ay, amor, fue una tortura perderte." [Oh, my love, it hurts so much. It hurts so much.] [Oh, my love, it was complete torture losing you]

       Tears poked at my eyes like hot needles as Usnavi neared me—I moved away from him. He backed me into a corner; somewhere I couldn't run to. He had me cornered. Just when I thought he was gonna try to do something, he dropped to his knees and placed his hands into a praying position. "Yo se que no he sido un Santo, pero lo puedo arreglar, amor." [I know I haven't been a Saint, but I know I can fix it, love]

       "No solo de pan vive el hombre, y no de escusas vivo yo." [A man doesn't only live off bread, and I don't live off excuses]

       "Solo de errores se aprende, y hoy se que es tuyo mi corazon." [Only from mistakes can one learn, and I now know my heart is yours]

       I scoffed. "Mejor te guardas todo eso a otro perro con ese hueso, y nos decimos 'adios.'" [Why don't you save that bone for another dog and say 'goodbye.'] I can't ask for winter to spare a rose bush, if it wants to take it, it will. I also can't ask Elm trees to bear pears—it's not in their nature to do so. I can't ask the eternity from a simple mortal, for immortality is not something they possess. All of this is like Usnavi asking me for forgiveness. I cannot give it to him if forgiveness is not something in my possession. He surely doesn't expect me to be merciful as to forgive him for what he's done, the idea is ludicrous enough to think about.

       Usnavi stood from his wordless prayer and ran his long digits through his short trimmed hair. "Ay, amor me duele tanto. Me duele tanto que no creas más en mis promesas. Ay, amor, es una tortura-" [Oh, my love, it hurts so much. It hurts so much that you no longer believe my promises. Oh, my love, it's complete torture-]

       "Perderte." I pushed past the drunken man, walking into the kitchen and closer to the main door. Maybe someone will enter my home and show him the way out. I frustratingly can't find it in myself to tell him, loud and clear, that he should leave me alone. [Losing you]

       He followed me—his hands tried to grab onto mine, but I always pulled away. "Yo se que no he sido un Santo, pero lo puedo arreglar, amor." [I know I haven't been a Saint, but I know I can fix it, love]

       "No solo de pan vive el hombre, y no de escusas vivo yo." [A man doesn't only live off bread, and I don't live of excuses] I slowly backed into another corner, giving Usnavi an advantage.

       The man's dark eyes scanned mine; any imperfection was taken into his data, every indent in my smile. He seemed to be focused on scanning my every curve, facial feature, and expression. "Solo de errores se aprende y hoy se que es tuyo mi corazón." [Only from mistakes can one learn, and I now know my heart is yours]

       "Mejor te guardas todo eso a otro perro con ese hueso y nos decimos 'adiós.'" [Why don't you save that bone for another dog and say 'goodbye.'] I frustratingly tore my orbs from his and ran into my room. Usnavi followed.

He backed me into a corner once more, the proximity of our faces allowing me to take in his alcoholic scent. The Dominican before me grabbed onto my waist. "No te bajes, no te rajes. Oye negrita, mira, no te rajes. De Lunes a Viernes tienes mi amor—Déjame el Sábado a mi que es mejor." He mumbled into my collarbone, his lips tracing circles over the sensitive skin in my neck. "Oye, mi negra, no me castigues más porque allá afuera, sin ti no tengo paz." Usnavi moved his hands up and down my hips; his lips ghosted over mine. "Yo solo soy un hombre arrepentido—soy como el ave que vuelve a us nido." I pulled away from him as I had done before—he pressed me against the wall. "Yo se que no he sido un Santo, y es que no estoy hecho de cartón." [Listen, baby, don't you go. Listen, baby, don't get angry. From Monday to Friday you have my love—Give Saturday to me and you'll be better off. Listen baby, don't punish me anymore; without you, out there I have no peace. I'm just a repentant man. I'm the bird that returns to its nest] [I know I haven't been a Saint, but it's because I'm not made of stone]

"No solo de pan vive el hombre, y no de escusas vivo yo." [A man doesn't only live off bread, and I don't live off excuses] My eyes teared up as I pushed Usnavi off me, out of my room, and towards the exit.

       Water welled up in his eyes. "Solo de errores se aprende, y hoy se que es tuyo mi corazón." [Only from mistakes can one learn, and I now know my heart is yours] He tried to walk back inside; try to get me to forgive him, but I can't.

       "Todo lo que hecho por ti, fue una tortura perderte. Me duele tanto que sea así." [After everything I've done for you, it was complete torture losing you. It hurts so much that we ended like this] I sobbed, my arms straining to shove him out the door. "Sigue llorando perdón. Yo-" He stumbled out the door—an effect from me pushing him. "Yo no voy a llorar hoy por ti." [Keep crying for forgiveness. I won't shed a tear over you anymore]


       The boxes around me rattled as I slammed the door shut. I let out a final sob—one that echoed through the vacant apartment.

De Todas Las Cosas Buenas: Usnavi X Mexican-American!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now